Simulation Enables Estimation of Kinetic Rates (SEEKR): a Multiscale Simulation Approach for Calculating Binding Kinetics
In this tutorial, you will learn the basics of setting up a SEEKR simulation to calculate the binding kinetics of a model host-guest system, beta-cyclodextrin with aspirin.
You will:
- Prepare the SEEKR input file
- Run SEEKR to prepare the milestone systems
- Visualize simulation trajectories
- Construct a milestoning model and calculate rates
- Perform convergence analysis
The latest version of SEEKR can be cloned or downloaded through the NBCR github:
Additional information about SEEKR can be found in SEEKR/doc/manual.txt
To run a complete SEEKR calculation, you will need the following installed:
- VMD for visualization
- NAMD molecular dynamics package
- BrownDye for BD simulations
- LEaP when using the AMBER forcefield
- APBS for electrostatics calculations
- Python version 2 (2.7 or later) with the following packages (I recommend using Anaconda):
- numpy
- scipy
- MDAnalysis
- matplotlib
- dill
This repository contains two tutorails:
The abbreviated tutorial
focuses entirely on visualizing and analyzing the results of a SEEKR calculation and does not require the installation of many of the packages used for system preparation.
The complete tutorial
covers system preparation, generation of simulation files, running simulaitons, and analysis. This requires the installation of all packages (specifically LEaP and APBS for system prep).