description |
This page provides the technical details of the JSON Threat Protection policy |
You can use the json-threat-protection
policy to validate a JSON request body by specifying limits for various JSON structures (such as arrays, field names and string values). When an invalid request is detected (meaning the limit is reached), the request will be considered a threat and rejected with a 400 BAD REQUEST
Functional and implementation information for the json-threat-protection
policy is organized into the following sections:
{% hint style="warning" %} This policy can be applied to v2 APIs and v4 HTTP proxy APIs. It cannot be applied to v4 message APIs or v4 TCP proxy APIs. {% endhint %}
{% tabs %} {% tab title="HTTP proxy API example" %} Sample policy configuration:
"name" : "JSON Threat Protection",
"enabled" : true,
"policy" : "json-threat-protection",
"configuration" : {
"maxDepth" : 90,
"maxNameLength" : 90,
"maxValueLength" : 400,
"maxEntries" : 90,
"maxArraySize" : 90
{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}
The phases checked below are supported by the json-threat-protection
v2 Phases | Compatible? | v4 Phases | Compatible? |
onRequest | false | onRequest | false |
onResponse | false | onResponse | false |
onRequestContent | true | onMessageRequest | false |
onResponseContent | false | onMessageResponse | false |
The json-threat-protection
policy can be configured with the following options:
Property | Required | Description | Type | Default |
maxEntries | false | Maximum number of entries allowed for a JSON object. Example: In { "a":{ "b":1, "c":2, "d":3 }} , a has 3 entries | integer (-1 to specify no limit) | 100 |
maxArraySize | false | Maximum number of elements allowed in an array | integer (-1 to specify no limit) | 100 |
maxDepth | false | Maximum depth of JSON structure. Example: { "a":{ "b":{ "c":true }}} has a depth of 3. | integer (-1 to specify no limit) | 100 |
maxNameLength | false | Maximum string length allowed for a JSON property name | integer (-1 to specify no limit) | 100 |
maxValueLength | false | Maximum string length allowed for a JSON property value | integer (-1 to specify no limit) | 500 |
HTTP status code | Message |
400 |
You can override the default response provided by the policy with the response templates feature. These templates must be defined at API level (see the API Console Response Templates option in the API Proxy menu).
The error keys sent by this policy are as follows:
Key | Parameters |
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