Tools developed by the Behavioral Neuroimaging Center at Brown university to support distrubution and pre-processing of Neuroimaging data.
We develop and encourage the use of [poetry]( for package installation and management.
To start a new project with poetry
mkdir mynewproject
cd mynewproject
poetry init
To install using poetry run
poetry add bnctools --git
##DICOM Export
The BNC has set up a DICOM listener where all data from the scanner is sent to after collection. The listener is an ORTHANC server that manages data in its own database. For convinience, upon receipt the listener dumps all data to a bnc-managed folder in
The export is performed by the orthanc_export script intalled as part of bnc_tools
An example of running the script is given below:
To activate your project's environment
cd mynewproject
poetry shell
orthanc_export http://localhost:8042/ orthanc orthanc dicom_export d3fc1b48-73ba3acd-30b5ff85-ea27fa65-e3550bf4