Ghibli archive is a website about the most iconic movies made by Studio Ghibli. Users can signup, discover more details about Ghibli movies, and make a list of their favorite movies.
- Combined my previously created Movies API with a newly designed Frontend structure.
- Created a website using React and Bootstrap where users can browse, search and save their favorite Ghibli Movies.
- Signup / Login pages
- List of Studio Ghibli Movies (fetched from my own API)
- Live search function.
- Movie details view.
- Profile view, where users can
- update their information,
- see their favorite movies list,
- delete their account.
link to app's repository:
link to live app:
- react
- bootstrap
- react-bootstrap
- react-router
- react-dom
- react-router-dom
- parcel (dev)
- see package.json for more details