Complete (ongoing) CRUD example project with Spring Boot, Thymeleaf, Vue.js and Axios.
I started this app adding simple Vue.js scripts to Thymeleaf templates, but this architecture started to become confuse when I started to think about security.
Now, thanks to this blog post I'm rethinking the architecture.
At this stage of the development, the developer experience is not completed, but running is easy:
mvn clean install
This command builds the frontend (static) and copy the files to the backend, where Spring Boot serves static files. Everything is configured on the pom.xml
After that the backend is packaged as a jar file (a normal Spring Boot build) and can be executed with:
java -jar backend/target/backend-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
Note: at this point the index is being served by the Spring controller with a Thymeleaf rendered page. The Vue.js is there, but it's not being used right now.