Python package for modeling the job-shop scheduling problem using mixed-integer programming (MIP) and meta-heuristics.
See here MIP and Metaheuristics examples.
First, make sure you have a Python 3 environment installed.
From the current version on github:
pip install git+
In this framework, problems are defined by JobShopParams
instances. There is available a random generator and a convenience to instantiate problems from the literature using the from jobshop.params import job_params_from_json
interface. Json files are available for some instances here.
from jobshop.params import JobShopRandomParams
from jobshop.params import job_params_from_json
Let us see an example of how to implement the disjunctive model for the job-shop problem, described by the equations below. Those interested in a detailed review of MIP formulations to the job-shop problem can refer to Ku & Beck (2016). An additional notebook with a comparison between the disjunctive and time-indexed models can be found here.
import numpy as np
import pyomo.environ as pyo
from jobshop.params import JobShopRandomParams
from jobshop.mip import DisjModel
params = JobShopRandomParams(5, 4, t_span=(5, 20), seed=12)
disj_model = DisjModel(params)
solver = pyo.SolverFactory("cbc", options=dict(cuts="on", sec=20))
print(solver.solve(disj_model, tee=True))
The problem can be formulated using logical relationships between elements, in which we must define the starting time
Now consider the instance mt10, a 10x10 problem from the literature. This problem has a known optimal solution of 930, although 950 is already a challenging target.
from jobshop.params import job_params_from_json
from jobshop.heuristic.grasp import GRASP, GRASPPR
params = job_params_from_json("./instances/orlib/mt10.json")
# Pure GRASP (fast solutions with lower quality)
grasp = GRASP(params, alpha=(0.4, 1.0), seed=42)
sol_grasp = grasp(100000, target=None, verbose=True)
grasp_pr = GRASPPR(params, alpha=(0.4, 1.0), maxpool=20, post_opt=True, ifreq=20000)
sol_pr = grasp_pr(100000, verbose=True, seed=42, target=930)
These configurations would return solutions with makespan of 980 for GRASP and 938 for GRASP-PR, although the latter would take several hours to be obtained.
Let us once again consider problem mt10 and re-use the previously defined params
instance. Those interested in understanding better the mechanisms of BRKGA might refer to this presentation.
from pymoo.optimize import minimize
from jobshop.params import job_params_from_json
from jobshop.heuristic.brkga import BRKGA, LSDecoder, JobShopProblem, PhenoDuplicates
from jobshop.heuristic.brkga.termination import TargetTermination
brkga = BRKGA(
problem = JobShopProblem(params, LSDecoder)
res = minimize(problem, brkga, termination=TargetTermination(1000, 930), verbose=True, seed=42)
graph = problem.decoder.build_graph_from_string(res.X)
Using this configuration, BRKGA would find the optimal solution within approximatedely 90 minutes, although good quality solutions (lesser than 970) could be found within a few minutes.
Aiex, R. M., Binato, S., & Resende, M. G. (2003). Parallel GRASP with path-relinking for job shop scheduling. Parallel Computing, 29(4), 393-430.
Gonçalves, J. F., & Resende, M. G. (2014). An extended Akers graphical method with a biased random‐key genetic algorithm for job‐shop scheduling. International Transactions in Operational Research, 21(2), 215-246.
Ku, W. Y., & Beck, J. C. (2016). Mixed integer programming models for job shop scheduling: A computational analysis. Computers & Operations Research, 73, 165-173.