Releases: bryanlatten/docker-image-policy
Releases · bryanlatten/docker-image-policy
Minor cleanup: Node v12, Airbnb-base eslint
- No new features
Under the hood:
- Now runs on Node v12 (LTS)
- Using airbnb-base eslint configuration
- Refreshed packages
Version: removed defunct console message
0.5.6 Index: removed defunct hardcoded version
Dockerfile: layer compression
- Dockerfile: compressed layers into 1 for speed
- Freshened NPM packages from security audit
Security: updated vulnerable libraries
Merge pull request #26 from bryanlatten/npm-audit Package: npm security audit
Index: safety loading passed policy file
Has been manually
tested for:
- bad files
- unreadable files
- directories.
Further improvement: add dgoss testing to travis for automated validation
Dockerfile: using node 9, npm shrinkwrap
Updated node version
Using new npm shrinkwrap instead of package lock
Default Policy: disallowing MSI explicit identity and agent fill
- com.swipely.iam-docker.msi-explicit-identity is disallowed as a label in default policy
- AGENT_FILL is disallowed as an environment variable and label in default policy
Node: upgraded to 8.X engine
- Node engine updated to 8.X, unlocked minor and patch versions
Layer Count: gate the number of FS layers
- Use layers max, layers warning to enforce the number of filesystem layers a container may have
- Port range default policy updated to max out at actual max port number
Flags: allow max, warning, port range, labels, and envs specified from CLI
Checks a Docker image's properties against a policy
-h, --help output usage information
-V, --version output the version number
-p, --policy <file> image policy, defaults to ./default_policy.conf
-i, --inspect docker inspect output (may also be specified as stdin)
-m, --max <size> image size max, in MB
-w, --warning <size> image size warning, in MB
-l, --labels <labels> add disallowed labels, comma-separated
-e, --envs <keys> add disallowed env keys, comma-separated
-r, --range <ports> low-high ports that are allowed```