A repo for CMU's 16-715 Advanced Robot Dynamics course project
- Download the processed data from the dataset online and put it in the top level directory of this project (dynamics_model_learning/)
- Import the DataLoader class (make sure your script is in top directory - dynamics_model_learning):
from data.DataLoader import DataLoader, DynamicsDataset
- Initialize it with the path to the processed data from the dataset:
DL = DataLoader(path)
- Load in some data by doing one of the following:
- Use pre-selected set of data:
- Hand-pick the flights you want from flights_info.txt:- Create a list of the flights you want to load (ex: "2021-02-03-13-44-49"):
selected_data = ["2021-02-03-13-44-49", "2021-02-03-13-44-49"]
- Tell the data loader to load in the selected data:
- Create a list of the flights you want to load (ex: "2021-02-03-13-44-49"):
- To save the data to an npz file, do:
, where path is the path to the file you want the data to be saved in (ex: model/train_data.npz) - The data can be loaded into a file using:npzfile = np.load(filePath)
- The state data can be accessed with:npzfile["input"]
- The control inputs (RPM values) can be accessed with:npzfile["control_inputs"]
- The state derivative can be accessed with: `` - You can now train a network using this data, see dynamics_model_learning/model/train.py for an example on how to do that.
- (optional) Load the data into a torch.utils.data.Dataset function by doing:
torchDatasetObject = DynamicsDataset(DL.get_state_data(), DL.state_dot_values)
- (optional) Get chunks of the data as with the following functions:
will return a list of the coumn names (i.e. state and input variables)DL.get_time_values()
returns [N] size numpy array of the time values for each data pointDL.get_state_data()
returns [N x 23] numpy array of the state data NOTE: includes rpm values as well (part of state but also input to system)DL.get_control_inputs()
returns [N x 4] numpy array of rpm values (in order 1 -> 4 that fits paper's dynamic model, check Fig 3 in the paper for exact numbering scheme)DL.get_des_rpm_values()
returns [N x 4] numpy array of desired rpm values at every time step (used to solve for rpm_dot = DL.motor_time_constant * (desired_rpms - current_rpms) )- from eq 20 on page 7 of paper
returns [N] size numpy array of battery voltages during flights