Stu's Powerful I/O Tester (spit)
./spit/spit - powerful test program, sequential random, queue depth, timings and more.
Tools for generating benchmarking, with an aim to be able to
regenerate the important tests from the SNIA (Storage Networking
Industry Association) suite. And a lot more!
apt install libaio-dev libnuma-dev libpci-dev libreadline-dev
cmake .
or on CentOS with newer compilers you might need:
CC=`which gcc` CXX=`which g++` cmake .
make -j
git clone
docker build -t spit stutools/
docker run -it spit
docker run -it --device /dev/sdk:/dev/sdk spit
# spit -f /dev/sdk -rs0
man -l spit/spit.1
spit -f device -c wk64 # test seq writes 64KiB, starting a random location
spit -f device -c wk64z # test seq writes 64KiB, starting from block 0.
spit -f device -c wk64s0 # random writes 64KiB
spit -f device -c wk64s0j64 # random writes 64KiB, using 64 threads with overlapping ranges
spit -f device -c wk64s0j64G_ # random writes 64KiB, using 64 threads, non overlapping ranges
spit -f device -c wk64s0j64G10-20 # random writes 64KiB, 64t, overlapping LBA range [10-20] GB
spit -f device -c wk64s0j64G10_20 # random writes 64KiB, 64t, non-overlapping LBA range [10-20] GB
note the underscore range delimits non-overlapping ranges.
spit -f device -c wk64s0j32 -v # add -v to verify the writes
spit -f /dev/md0 -c ... -O rawdevices.txt # perform actions on a meta device and show amplification
spit -f .... -c ... -d 100 # dumps out the first 100 commands, to see what's happening
spit -f device -c wk64s0S1000q1 -P pos.txt # random write, 64K, target 1,000 IOPS with qd=1. Display latency
# all timing information is in the file specified with -P
spit -f device -c 'w s1 k1024 z m1' # write then read back the same block, alternating 1:1
spit -f device -c 'w s1 k1024 z m100' # write 1MiB blocks sequentially, every 100 writes read the last 100
spit -f device -c ts0 -G10 # perform random trims
spit -f device -c wx5 -G10 -T # write 10GiB at a time, trimming the LBA before each iteration ('T'), repeat 5 times.
spit -f device -c rs0 # random reads 4KiB
spit -f device -c rs0j64 # random reads 4KiB, 64 threads
spit -f device -c rs0j64G_ # random reads 4KiB, 64 threads, non-overlapping LBA range
spit -f device -c rs0j2G_ -d 10 # dump the first 10 positions in each thread
spit -f device -c wk64j3 -c rk64j2 # three writers, two reader threads
spit -f device -c wk4-128j3 -P positions.txt # variable block range, three overlapping
range, positions written out
spitchecker positions.txt # verify the previous writes, say after a reboot.
Same code as the -v verification option.
spit -f device -c wk64s0G10-20j4 -c rk4-8G20-100j64 # two ranges [10-20]
and [20-100] GB, varying threads and I/O type.
spit -f device -c wk4P1000000 # write to only 1,000,000 positions for cache testing
spit -f device -c wk2048x1 # x1 means write the LBA size once (or a Glow-high range),
instead of being time limited.
spit -I listofdevices.txt -c w # will read a list of devices from the file.
spit -f device -c ... -O listofdevices.txt # will display the r/w/IO operations on the devices.
This is used to see meta-device amplification and phy IO.
The limits can be per LBA multiple using the 'x' option. e.g. x1 is the LBA size.
Or by position using the 'X' option. X1 is the number of positions.
Or by time using the local 'T' (time) option. T2 is two seconds. The xXT options can't be combined.
By default the spit threads are distributed evenly between the NUMA nodes. To disable
NUMA pinning use the -u option. For example with j51 (51 threads) spit may output:
*info* NUMA[0] 26 pinned on 24 hardware threads, NUMA[1] 25 pinned on 24 hardware threads,
To bind all threads to NUMA node 0 use -U 0. The output will then be:
*info* NUMA[0] 51 pinned on 24 hardware threads, NUMA[1] 0 pinned on 24 hardware threads,
The -U format allows a list (-U 1,2) and a range (-U 0-3,5).
The -f (lowercase) filename will create a SINGLE file with that name. Capital -F prefix will
create MULTIPLE files, one per thread.
spit -f filename -G 10 -c wk4-8s0 # create a 10 GiB file and perform random variable length
writes on the file.
spit -F /mnt/prefix -G 10 -c wk64j128 # In 128 threads, create a file per thread, 10 GB in size,
run for the default 10 seconds.
spit -F /mnt/prefix -G 10 -c wk64j128x1 # In 128 threads, create a file per thread, 10 GB in size,
write each file once. e.g. create 128 x 10 G files.
spit -f device -p G -c wk64 # precondition random 4k writes, test seq writes 64KiB
spit -f device -p G -c rs0 # precondition random 4k writes, test rand reads 4KiB
spit -f device -p G -c mP100000 # precondition, then R/W mix on 100,000 positions
spit [-f device] [-c string] [-c string] ... [-c string]
Create positions:
spit -f dev -c rs0 # defaults to use RAM and generate unique positions. MIN(15GB,freeRAM/2)
spit -f dev -c rs1P100z # the first 100 positions in a device, starting from zero
spit -f dev -c rs1P100 # the first 100 positions in a device, offset by a random amount
spit -f dev -c rs0P100 # the first 100 positions in a device, randomised
spit -f dev -c rs1P+100z # 100 positions equally spaced across the array, starting from zero
spit -f dev -c rs1P+100 # 100 positions equally spaced across the array, offset by a random amount
spit -f dev -c rs0P+100 # 100 positions equally spaced, randomised
spit -f dev -c rs1P-100 # subsample with replacement, 100 positions randomly distributed over the array
spit -f dev -c rs0P-100 # effectively the same as above with s1. But re-randomised.
spit -f dev -c rs1P.100z # 100 equally spaced, alternating start,end,s+1,e-1... centre
spit -f dev -c rs1P.100 # effectively the same as above with s1 but with random offset
spit -f dev -c rs0 -L20 # Use 20GiB of RAM to generate more unique positions
spit -f dev -c rs0j2G_ # Make two threads, but first split the LBA range into two.
Copying regions:
spit -f dev -c c # will copy from a region to a destination 1/2 the LBA away, 4 KiB blocks
spit -f dev -c ck64 # will copy using 64 KiB blocks
spit -f dev -c ck64j4G_ # Divides the space into 4 regions, runs 4 threads performing local copies per region
spit -f dev -c ckz64-2048 # Will perform 2 MiB worth of 64 KiB reads, then a single 2 MiB write, starting from 0
Varying executions: (time, position and LBA controls)
spit -f dev -c rs0 # run for 10 seconds by default
spit -f dev -c rs0 -t10 # run for 10 seconds
spit -f dev -c rs0 -t-1 # run for ever
spit -f dev -c rs0x1 # cover the entire LBA one time
spit -f dev -c rs0x2 # cover the entire LBA two times
spit -f dev -c rs0P100x1 # perform a LBA worth of those first 100 positions
spit -f dev -c rs0P100x3 # perform 3xLBA worth of those first 100 positions
spit -f dev -c rs0P2000X1 # execute the 2,000 IO operations
spit -f dev -c rs0P2000X2 # execute the 2,000 IO operations, twice
spit ..-t 60 -c ws1zM2P1000= # = alternates r/w per pass. Write 1000, then read 1000, continue for 60s
spit -f dev -c s1z # sequential, one linear region, starting from zero
spit -f dev -c s1 # sequential, one linear region, randomly offset
spit -f dev -c s0 # Not sequential, i.e. random
spit -f dev -c s2 # Two sequential regions. Divided the thread/region into two
spit -f dev -c s9 # Nine sequential regions. Divided the thread/region into nine...
spit -f dev -c s-1z # Reverse sequential starting from the end of the array
spit -f dev -c s-1 # Reverse sequential, randomly offset
spit -f dev -c s-2 # Two sequential regions, reversed, randomly offset
Between linear and random:
spit ... s-1 # monotonically decreasing
spit ... s0 # random
spit ... s0.05 # Almost entirely random with a few monotonically increasing positions
spit ... s0.95-20 # With a probability of 0.05 swap with a position +/- 20 positions
spit ... s0.98 # With a probability of 0.02 swap with any other position
spit ... s1 # monotonically increasing
spit -P filename # dump positions to filename
# file contains device, position, size, timing, latency per sample, median latency
spit -P - # dump positions to (stdout) and stream raw IOs without collapsing
# column 2 (byte offset), 6 (operation), 7 (size)
# column 12/13 (start/fin time), column 14 (mean latency)
# column 15 (#samples), 16 (median latency)
... -S positions # read all the positions from 3 columns. position action and size
LBA coverage: (using lowercase x)
spit -c P10x1 # write 10 positions until the entire device size is written
spit -c P10x3 # write 10 positions until the entire device size is written three times
spit -c x5 # writing the block device size 5 times, not time based
Position coverage: (using capital X)
spit -f ... -c P10X100 # multiply the number of positions by X, here it's 100, so 1,000 positions
spit -f .... -c wns0X10 # writing the number of positions 10 times, not time based
spit -c P10X1 # write 10 positions
spit -c P10000X100 # write the same 10,000 positions 100 times
Complete coverage: (positions required, size of `LBAbytes / (RAMbytes / 64)`)
spit -f ... -c ..C # the 'C' command will check the complete LBA is covered, or exit(1)
Displays: (-s 1 default, once per second)
spit -s 0.1 -i 5 # display every 0.1 seconds, ignore first 5 GB
Queue depth: (IO in flight)
spit -f .... -c q128 # per job max queue depth (max inflight is 128, submit one at a time)
spit -f .... -c q32-128 # set the min queue depth to 32, submit at most 32 IOs at a time, max 128
spit -f .... -c q128-128 # set queue depth to fixed at 128 IOs in flight at all time. Uses less CPU.
Speed targets: (IOPS target)
spit ... -c ws1S1000q1 # Target 1000 IOPS, with QD=1
spit -c ws1zk10001J2S1000 # Writing monotonically, but from alternating between two threads at 1 MB x 1000/s = 1 GB/s
spit -F. -c ws1zx1j64S100q1 -G1 # creates files from .0001 to .0128, with IOPS targets
spit ... -c ws1S100 # Targets slower IOPS, S100 targets 100 IOPS per thread, with default qd
spit -f device -c W5 # do 5 seconds worth of IO then wait for 5 seconds
spit -f device -c W0.1:4 # do 0.1 seconds worth of IO then wait for 4 seconds
spit -f ... -c w -cW4rs0 # one thread seq write, one thread, run 4, wait 4 repeat
spit -f ... -c ws1W2:1 -t60 # Alternate run for 2 seconds, wait for 1 second
spit -f .. -c ws0S1 # Write a 4KiB block, randomly, 1 IO per second. The *slow* Loris
NUMA control:
spit -f -c ..j32 -u # j32, but do not pin the threads to specific NUMA nodes
spit -f -c ..j32 -U 0 # j32, pin all threads to NUMA node 0
spit -f -c ..j32 -U 0,1 # j32, split threads evenly between NUMA node 0 and 1
spit -f -c ..j32 -U 0-2 # j32, split threads evenly between NUMA node 0, 1 and 2
spit -f -c ..j32 -U 0,0,1 # j32, allocate threads using a 2:1 ratio between NUMA node 0 and 1
See/dump the actions/positions:
spit -f ... -c ... -d 10 # dump the first 10 positions/actions
LBA ranges/partitioning:
spit -f device -c r -G 1 # 0..1 GB device size
spit -f device -c r -G 384MiB # -G without a range is GB. {M,G,T}[i*]B
spit -f device -c r -G 100GB # Support GB/GiB etc spit -f device -c r -G 1-2 # Only perform actions in the 1-2 GB range
spit -f device -c r -E -G 2-5 # if the -E argument is *before* -G, G values are percentages. e.g. 2%-5%
spit -f device -c r -G 2-5 -E # NOTE: This doesn't work. -E must be before -G
spit -c wx3 -G4 -T # perform pre-DISCARD/TRIM operations before each round
spit -c wx1G0-64k4zs1 # Write from [0,64) GiB, in 4KiB steps, sequentially
spit -c wx1G0-64k4zs1K20 # Write from [0,64) GiB, in 4KiB steps, writing 1 in 20.
spit -c wG_j4 # The _ represents to divide the G value evenly between threads
spit -c ws1G1-2 -c rs0G2-3 # Seq w in the 1-2 GB region, rand r in the 2-3 GB region
spit -f ... -c P10G1-2 # The first 10 positions starting from 1GiB. It needs the lower range.
spit -c ws1G5_10j16 # specify a low and high GiB range, to be evenly split by 16 threads (_)
Logging for experiments:
spit -f ... -l logfile # will append the run results to 'logfile'. Works well with ./combo expansion
spit -B bench -M ... -N ... # See the man page for benchmarking tips
Block sizes:
spit -f device -c k8 # set block size to 8 KiB
spit -f device -c k4-128 # set block range to 4 to 128 KiB, every 4 KiB
spit -f device -c k4:1024 # set block range to 4 to 1024 KiB, in powers of 2
spit -f ... -c wM1 # set block size 1M
Range resets:
spit -f device -c s1k8A1 # set block size to 8 KiB, randomize next pos after 1 MiB of data
spit -f device -c s1k4-16A0.5-8 # set block size to 4-16 KiB, randomize after 0.5 to 8 MiB
spit -f device -c s1k4:16A0.5:8 # As above but power of 2 ranges
I/O amplification: (-O underlying_devices.txt)
spit -f dev -O devices.txt # specify the raw devices for amplification statistics
spit -f dev -O <(echo dev) # use BASH syntax for creation of a virtual inline fd
spit .. -c rs1k4q1 -O .. # random 4 KiB, times each block read when contiguous
spit .. -c zrs1k4q1j128 -O .. # read the same ranges from 128 threads, are they cached
spit .. -c rs0k4q1 -O .. # random 4 KiB, how much extra is read
spit .. -c rs1M2q1 -O .. # sequential random 2 MiB, check amp
Read-ahead (testing seq reads with queue depth of 1/q1)
spit .. -c rs1k4q1 -O .. # sequential 4 KiB reads, check amplification
spit .. -c rs1k4-128q1 -O .. # sequential 4-128 KiB reads, check amplification
spit .. -c rs1k64A4q1 -O .. # 64 KiB reads, reset position every 4 MiB
spit .. -c rs1k64K4q1 -O .. # 64 KiB reads, only doing every 4th action
spit .. -c rzs1k1024A8q1 # start at zero, seq, 1M blocks, 8M of contig then new pos
spit .. -c rs1M2q1 -O .. # seq 2 MiB reads
spit .. -c rs-1M2q1 -O .. # reverse seq/backwards 2 MiB reads
Complex Read-ahead
spit .. -c rs1k4-64A8 -c rs0j8 # Testing one thread with RA, multiple random other threads
spit .. -c rs1k4A0.25-4 # the A value will be a random value between 256 KiB and 4 MiB
spit .. -c rs1k4A1:8 # A will be a power-of-two random value in 1-8 MiB. 1,2,4 or 8 MiB
I/O write verification: (-v to verify)
spit -v # verify the writes after a run
spit ... -c ws0u -v # Uses a unique seed (u) per operation (mod 65536)
spit ... -c ws0U -v # Generates a read immediately after a write (U), tests with qd=1
spit ... -c ws0UG_j32 -v # Generates r/w pairs with unique seeds, as above, unique thread ranges
spit -p G100s1k64 # precondition job, sequential, 64 KiB blocks
spit -p G -p Gs1 # precondition job, writing random, 100% LBA, then seq job
spit -p G100 # precondition job, writing random overwrite LBA size
spit -p f5 -f device -c ... # Precondition/max-fragmentation with 5% GC overhead, becomes K20.
# the -p f5 commands iterates across the LBA in 64G chunks as previous two commands.
O_DIRECT vs pagecache: (default O_DIRECT)
spit -f ... -c rD0 # 'D' turns off O_DIRECT
Misc examples:
spit -f device -c ... -c ... -c ... # defaults to 10 seconds
spit -f device -c r # seq read (defaults to s1 and k4)
spit -f device -c w # seq write (s1)
spit -f device -c w -L1 # Limit RAM use to 1 GiB. 48 bytes is used per position
spit -f device -c w # Default RAM allocated to positions is MIN(15GB, free RAM/2)
spit -f device -c rs0 # random, (s)equential is 1
spit -f device -c rs1 # sequential
spit -f device -c rzs1 # sequential starting from position 0
spit -f device -c rzs-1 # reverse sequential starting from end of the device
spit -f device -c rs0-size # random, (s)equential is 0, max contig is size KiB
spit -f device -c ws2 # 2 contiguous regions on the device. Add -d 10 to dump positions
spit -f device -c ws128 # 128 contiguous regions on the device
spit -f device -c "r s128 k4" -c 'w s4 -k128' -c rw
spit -f device -b 10240000 # specify the max device size in bytes
spit -f ... -t 50 # run for 50 seconds (-t -1 is forever)
spit -f -c ..j32 # duplicate all the commands 32 times. Pin threads to each NUMA node.
spit -f ... -c wR42 # set the per command seed with R
spit -f ... -c wF # (F)lush after every write of FF for 10, FFF for 100 ...
spit -f ... -c rrrrw # do 4 reads for every write
spit -f ... -c rw # mix 50/50 reads/writes
spit -f ... -c n # shuffles the positions every pass
spit -f ... -c N # adds an offset to the positions every pass
spit -f ... -t -1 # -t -1 is run forever
spit -f ... -c p0.9 # set the r/w ratio to 0.9
spit -f ... -c wz # sequentially (w)rite from block (z)ero (instead of random position)
spit -f ... -c m # non-unique positions, read/write/flush like (m)eta-data
spit -f ... -c mP4000 # non-unique 4000 positions, read/write/flush like (m)eta-data
spit -f ... -c s1n # do a sequential pass, then shuffles the positions
spit -f ... -c rL4 # (L)imit positions so the sum of the length is 4 GiB
spit -f ... -c O # One-shot, not time based
spit -f ... -c t2 # specify the time per thread
spit -f ... -c ws1F4 # jumble/reverse groups of 4 positions
spit -f ... -c wx20 # sequentially (s1) write 20x LBA, no time limit
spit -f ... -c ws0 # random defaults to 3x LBA
spit -I devices.txt -c r # -I is read devices from a file
spit -f .... -R seed # set the initial seed, j will increment per job
spit -c P10000 # write the same 10,000 positions based on the time
spit -c P-10000 # A -ve P number, is determine 10,000 positions with replacement. Don't verify
spit -c wZ1 # Z is the starting offset. -z is -Z0
spit -F fileprefix -c ..j128 # creates files from .0001 to .0128
spit -e "5,echo five" # exec a bash -c CMD string after 5 seconds, quotes are required
spit -c wk1024za7 # every 'a' MiB of operations perform a jump back to the start of device. Dump with -d to see
spit -c ts0 # Use a sync DISCARD/TRIM I/O type
spit -c rrwts0 # 50% read, 25% writes and 25% trim I/O random operations
spit ... -c rs0Y1000 # Limit the number of positions to process to 1,000 then end the run
spit -c ... -D # Display the 'D'ate/time per line
spit -f .. -c ws0J8 # Use 8 threads, but only do every 8th IO in each thread. For NUMA/S testing
apt install astyle