(c) actraiser/Dustlayer
Dustlayer WHQ: http://dustlayer.com Contact: [email protected]
This Source Code is part of a Tutorial of a blog dedicated to C64 programming. It should be used with dust, the command line tool for C64 cross development on Mac OSX. Win/Linux User can clone the repository of course but must take care to set up their system to compile and run the code.
The Tutorial for this Intro is located at http://dustlayer.com/c64-coding-tutorials/2013/5/24/episode-3-1-spritro-an-intro-with-a-sprite
Makefile allows use of GNU make to build this project in lieu of the dust bundle.
- Copy make.defs.sample to make.defs. The paths to acme, pucrunch and x64 will need to be adjusted, per your environment.
- Execute:
to build the PRG. - Execute:
make run
to execute the PRG in the x64 emulator.
The logic of Makefile is largely influenced by c64-devit. https://github.com/cliffordcarnmo/c64-devkit