This theme is based on Stupendously Hot Charmander concept developed by Roman Nguyen, available in and works in versions previous to Ubuntu 16.10.
This project is in early stage, therefore therefore themes and icons are forks of similar designs.
The gtk-theme is based on Flatabulous and Numix theme. The base of icon-pack is based on Numix-Circle-Icons, Faba and Arc.
Discontinued Project: This project has been discontinued.
Install Git if you don't already have it installed.
$ sudo apt-get install git
- Step 1: Clone the repository (or download files):
$ git clone ~/
- Step 2: Enter the project folder (Via Terminal!):
$ cd ~/Stupendously-Hot-Charmander
- Step 3: Run Installer:
$ ./
Using Ubuntu 16.10? This version needs a special theme. Turn the command on the terminal:
$ gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface gtk-theme 'SH-Charmander-1610'
$ gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences theme 'SH-Charmander-1610'
$ gsettings set org.compiz.unityshell:/org/compiz/profiles/unity/plugins/unityshell/ background-color '444444ff'
Only works if you already have the theme installed and didn't remove the project folder!
- Step 0: Update the repository:
- Enter the folder where you cloned or downloaded the project (Stupendously-Hot-Charmander) - via terminal!
- Get updates:
$ cd ~/Stupendously-Hot-Charmander
$ git pull
- Back into the Step 3 of the session First Installation.
Didn't like? Do you want to reset theme to default? On project folder, run:
$ ./
This project requires a lot of effort, therefore if it has helped you contribute to it. Make a small donation!
- Create a file in path README-Translations.
- Translate this file.
- Submit your modifications for this repository.