BUCHI’s OpenInterface provides full and well documented access to all data an instrument produces and consumes. It provides approximately the same amount of functionality as can be accessed via the device’s on-screen menu.
The OpenInterface is a RESTful HTTP API. The API specification and documentation can be found here:
This repository contains instructions and examples that show how to interact with your BUCHI Rotavapor using Python.
BUCHI's Rotavapor R-300 line is a modular system. Any valid configuration will do as long it contains a Interface I-300pro with VacuBox.
Certain examples might have more specific requirements.
For running the examples you will need the following information:
- Valid Username/PW
- Device IP Address
Usernames and passwords are only shown at the time the OpenInterface is enabled. The IP address can be found via on-screen menus.
Please consult the API specification and documentation for more detailled instructions.
Easiest way to interact with a Rotavapor from Python is by using the requests package.
Create a requests session
import requests session = requests.Session()
Specify username and password (these credentials you get when you enable the OpenInterface on the device)
session.auth = ('user', 'password')
Provide the OpenInterface root cert or disable cert checks.
rootcert = 'path/to/root.crt' if path.isfile(rootcert): session.verify = rootcert else: session.verify = False
Either read some data
rotavapor_ip = '' base_url = f"https://{rotavapor_ip}/api/v1" info_endpoint = base_url + "/info" get_info_resp = session.get(info_endpoint) info_msg = get_info_resp.json() system_name = info_msg["systemName"] print(f"The name of the device is {system_name}")
Or write some data
rotavapor_ip = '' base_url = f"https://{rotavapor_ip}/api/v1" process_endpoint = base_url + "/process" set_vacuum_msg = { 'vacuum' : { 'set' : 100 } } set_vacuum_resp = session.put(process_endpoint, json=set_vacuum_msg)
Details about the schema of requests / replies can be found in the API Documentation
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
All examples are licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.