0.4.9 (2024-10-28)
Bug Fixes
audit log pubg message not being acknowledged (#1279 ) (6a2dc67 )
nil pointer when the pubsub puller creation failed (#1278 ) (a5d1c8b )
organiztion API (#1261 ) (50e1d1c )
panic when checking register event request (#1277 ) (6616f54 )
redis cluster pfmerge (#1281 ) (719f78f )
ui: save filter popup being shown upon re-login (#1288 ) (f9076d7 )
ui: show save filter popup while navigating to the targeting page (#1282 ) (6fb9a96 )
ui: unable to create boolean type feature flag (#1247 ) (ff1b300 )
ui: unsaved search filters popup being shown when logging in (#1263 ) (6a8bb86 )
add list projects v2 for the new console (#1267 ) (36dd128 )
add log for error metrics from sdk client (#1270 ) (c6d3521 )
add make cmd to delete dev container mysql data (#1293 ) (a526aca )
add organization_id to project unique key (#1302 ) (7c15b95 )
change create organization api to create default environment (#1297 ) (0a6cfd4 )
change the default time range when getting evaluation count to 7 days (#1283 ) (e5bb28c )
get key slot when using redis cluster (#1273 ) (3cce246 )
remove order by clause from count sql (#1262 ) (d3a2867 )
remove redis pipeline command usage (#1271 ) (b3f3667 )
stop error logging when checking register event request for debugging (#1276 ) (628f888 )
support gcp multi cluster ingress (#1198 ) (ce278c5 )
update delete e2e image tag (#1274 ) (c8fedff )
update dev container feature version (#1294 ) (ed20f93 )
update dev container node version (#1301 ) (ca77fc0 )
updgrade go version in devcontainer (#1287 ) (5e20c9a )
Build System
deps-dev: bump vite from 5.4.2 to 5.4.6 in /ui/dashboard (#1241 ) (25883c3 )
deps: bump express from 4.19.2 to 4.21.0 in /ui/web-v2 (#1242 ) (ca100b2 )
deps: bump rollup from 4.21.2 to 4.22.4 in /ui/dashboard (#1256 ) (fa6d61c )
deps: bump the dependencies group across 1 directory with 20 updates (#1265 ) (fd01afc )
You can’t perform that action at this time.