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Yii2-rbac provides a web interface for advanced access control and includes following features:

  • Allows CRUD operations for roles, permissions, rules
  • Allows to assign multiple roles or permissions to the user
  • Allows to create console migrations
  • Integrated with yii2mod/base

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The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.

Either run

php composer.phar require --prefer-dist yii2mod/yii2-rbac "*"

or add

"yii2mod/yii2-rbac": "*"

to the require section of your composer.json.


Once the extension is installed, simply modify your application configuration as follows:

return [
    'modules' => [
        'admin' => [
            'class' => 'app\modules\admin\Module',
            'modules' => [
                'rbac' => [
                    'class' => 'yii2mod\rbac\Module',
  'components' => [
         'authManager' => [
            'class' => 'yii\rbac\DbManager',
            'defaultRoles' => ['guest', 'user']

After you downloaded and configured Yii2-rbac, the last thing you need to do is updating your database schema by applying the migration:

$ php yii migrate/up --migrationPath=@yii/rbac/migrations

You can then access Auth manager through the following URL:


Applying rules:

  1. For applying rules only for controller add the following code:
use yii2mod\rbac\filters\AccessControl;

class ExampleController extends Controller 
    public function behaviors()
        return [
            'access' => [
                'class' => AccessControl::class,
                'allowActions' => [
                    // The actions listed here will be allowed to everyone including guests.
  1. For applying rules for module add the following code:
use Yii;
use yii2mod\rbac\filters\AccessControl;

 * Class Module
class Module extends \yii\base\Module
     * @return array
    public function behaviors()
        return [
  1. Also you can apply rules via main configuration:
// apply for single module

'modules' => [
    'rbac' => [
        'class' => 'yii2mod\rbac\Module',
        'as access' => [
            'class' => yii2mod\rbac\filters\AccessControl::class

// or apply globally for whole application

'modules' => [
'components' => [
'as access' => [
    'class' => yii2mod\rbac\filters\AccessControl::class,
    'allowActions' => [
        // The actions listed here will be allowed to everyone including guests.
        // So, 'admin/*' should not appear here in the production, of course.
        // But in the earlier stages of your development, you may probably want to
        // add a lot of actions here until you finally completed setting up rbac,
        // otherwise you may not even take a first step.


All text and messages introduced in this extension are translatable under category 'yii2mod.rbac'. You may use translations provided within this extension, using following application configuration:

return [
    'components' => [
        'i18n' => [
            'translations' => [
                'yii2mod.rbac' => [
                    'class' => 'yii\i18n\PhpMessageSource',
                    'basePath' => '@yii2mod/rbac/messages',
                // ...
        // ...
    // ...


You can create the console migrations for creating/updating RBAC items.

Module setup

To be able create the migrations, you need to add the following code to your console application configuration:

// console.php
'modules' => [
    'rbac' => [
        'class' => 'yii2mod\rbac\ConsoleModule'


  1. createPermission(): creating a permission
  2. updatePermission(): updating a permission
  3. removePermission(): removing a permission
  4. createRole(): creating a role
  5. updateRole(): updating a role
  6. removeRole(): removing a role
  7. createRule(): creating a rule
  8. updateRule(): updating a rule
  9. removeRule(): removing a rule
  10. addChild(): creating a child
  11. removeChild(): removing a child
  12. assign(): assign a role to a user

Creating Migrations

To create a new migration, run the following command:

$ php yii rbac/migrate/create <name>

The required name argument gives a brief description about the new migration. For example, if the migration is about creating a new role named admin, you may use the name create_role_admin and run the following command:

$ php yii rbac/migrate/create create_role_admin

The above command will create a new PHP class file named m160817_085702_create_role_admin.php in the @app/rbac/migrations directory. The file contains the following code which mainly declares a migration class m160817_085702_create_role_admin with the skeleton code:


use yii2mod\rbac\migrations\Migration;

class m160817_085702_create_role_admin extends Migration
    public function safeUp()


    public function safeDown()
        echo "m160817_085702_create_role_admin cannot be reverted.\n";

        return false;

The following code shows how you may implement the migration class to create a admin role:


use yii2mod\rbac\migrations\Migration;

class m160817_085702_create_role_admin extends Migration
    public function safeUp()
        $this->createRole('admin', 'admin has all available permissions.');

    public function safeDown()

You can see a complex example of migration here.

Applying Migrations

To upgrade a database to its latest structure, you should apply all available new migrations using the following command:

$ php yii rbac/migrate

Reverting Migrations

To revert (undo) one or multiple migrations that have been applied before, you can run the following command:

$ php yii rbac/migrate/down     # revert the most recently applied migration
$ php yii rbac/migrate/down 3   # revert the most 3 recently applied migrations

Redoing Migrations

Redoing migrations means first reverting the specified migrations and then applying again. This can be done as follows:

$ php yii rbac/migrate/redo     # redo the last applied migration
$ php yii rbac/migrate/redo 3   # redo the last 3 applied migrations


RBAC Manager for Yii 2







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