Hi all, this is one of the side-project I am working on.
I am a big fan of Arkham Horror LCG, although Arkhamdb is amazing, there are 2 features that I want that isn't on it. they are the following
- Which investigator can play this cards?
- Chaos Bag Probability calculator
To address this as well as wanting to try out more library and Arkhamdb's API, I worked on this project to enhance my skills.
- Which investigator can play this?
- Chaos Bag Probability Calculator
- Basic Card List Page
- Card Filter (UI friendly) & Single Line Search Feature cloning Arkham's DB (helper text is currently missing)
(As per 8th May 2022 - Learning Regex to use in the card filter feature burning me out, so planning to put this project aside for now, work on another project first since the next item I want to work on is Deck Building page, which also require a lot of deck restriction features which will also includes Regex within it.)
- Server side storing Cards and decks (Nosql database should be best in this case)
- Deck Building Page (Planning to use React-beautiful-dnd to make a easy to use interface)
- set up a docker and yaml files to try and learn more about them