I like nerding-out, specifically around Ansible, automated test and infrastucture.
Always willing to learn new things.
Welcome to my little world.
- ShadowNet-KE/Dockerfiles - (1 day ago)
- buluma/ansible-role-openssh - Install and configure openssh on your system. (7 months ago)
- buluma/ansible-role-test_connection - Test connection possibilities to your system. (7 months ago)
- buluma/ansible-role-powertools - Enable powertools repository on your system. (7 months ago)
- buluma/ansible-role-nvim - Nvim Install and Setup (7 months ago)
- buluma/ansible-role-nvim - Nvim Install and Setup
- buluma/ansible-role-cve_2024_3094 - Check xz vulnerability (cve_2024_3094) on your system.
- buluma/ansible-role-vault_configuration - Configure HashiCorp Vault on your system.
- buluma/ansible-role-tfe - Install and configure tfe on your system.
- buluma/ansible-role-docker_compose - Install docker_compose on your system.
- buluma/ansible-role-openssh (24.7.28, 7 months ago) - Install and configure openssh on your system.
- buluma/ansible-role-bootstrap (v24.7.19, 8 months ago) - Prepare your system to be managed by Ansible.
- buluma/molecule-action (v24.6.17, 9 months ago) - Test Ansible roles using Molecule
- buluma/docker-github-action-molecule (v24.6.17, 9 months ago) - A container that is used for GitHub molecule actions
- buluma/ansible-role-tfe (v24.03.24, 11 months ago) - Install and configure tfe on your system.