Link to site =
pip install -U jupyter-book
Strongly recommended to be able to preview changes locally before pushing to GitHub, but technically not required.
Any changes to the source files that are pushed to the main branch will automatically be updated on the website via GitHub actions (see `.github/workflows/). (this can take 3-5 mins depend on how many changes are made)
Reorder the lines in notebook>_toc.yml. More instructions at the top of the file.
Add content to the folder notebook
, then add page to _toc.yml
. IMPORTANT: the page will not show if there are no headings in the page.
Edit ipynb directly and changes will be reflected when rebuilding the book.
Useful cheatsheet for formatting etc. MyST syntax cheatsheet
Open the root directory esc180-notes
in terminal and run:
jupyter-book build .
Depending on what kind of changes are made, it may be recommended to clear old files beforehand (this will rebuild from scratch).
jupyter-book clean .
When changes are pushed to GitHub, the deploy.yml file will perform the same compilation, as well as push the changes to the gh-pages
branch, which is what the website is built from.
You can monitor the progress on the Actions tab of the repo.