This application will calculate the best way to spend your money in Rogue Legacy.
I had been wasting too much time between levels trying to figure out how to spend the most money, so spent about 10x as long making this.
Once you have Node.js installed, simply install the dependences:
npm install
Then start the server:
node app.js
In your browser, connect to http://localhost:3000/
and you're off to the races.
The plus and minus buttons add and remove levels. The check and x enables and disables the skill from showing up in the upgrades list. If your query is taking too long, disable some of the skills you're not interested in.
These may be added in the future, but aren't here yet:
- Options for runes or armor purchases.
- Right now there's a 10 second time limit on calculating upgrade list, at which point it will start backing out. Would like to work out a better algorithm so it's not an issue.
- Realistically, this could all have been done in javascript so the client does the work but I wanted to play around with node.
- A server cache of some sort would be handy, as the results of one url will always be the same.