Majority are by Shiru and UTZ. Tim Follin and others are also included. 1-bit music engine players for the Microbee computer ported from the ZX Spectrum.
-ZX Speccy typically plays through bit 4 on port ($FE)
-Microbee's speaker hangs off bit 6 on port ($2)
-VZ200/300 speaker hangs off a software latch at $6800, and uses bit 0 (speaker +) and bit 5 (speaker -)
Assembled with origin at 100h as CP/M .COM files, these files are intended to run straight from off a real floppy disk (Microbee's CP/M) or disk image within an emulator.
Within MESS/MAME, fire up the Microbee emulator. (Microbee 32 will run all of these). Then : Devices --> Quickload --> Mount --> and select any .COM file. (And the music will auto play)
UBEE512 emulator : create a disc image, copy these files on to the disc image, and then load.
All sources can be re-assembed using the origin of 'ORG $900' and renaming the resulting object code to a '.BEE' extension. These can then also be loaded into UBEE512 emulator.
Most of Shiru's engines are assembled with SJASMPLUS, whilst the others were intended for assembling with PASMO assembler. ( All source code that does not have ' OUTPUT "FILENAME.COM" ' as the first statement will be for PASMO).
Pasmo Assembler can be found somewhere deep within a ZX website; simply google it and you'll find the windows and/or Linux executable. Same with SJASMPLUS.
All credit go to the originators of the related source code. Huge thanks to Utz and Shiru; masters of 1-bit Z80 music coding.
For more info, check out the 1-bit music forum over at :
Find and download/install Shiru's '1tracker' 1-bit music tracking software for Win/Linux. Create your own 1-bit music that also can be played on the ZX/ VZ / Microbee. See this thread:
1tracker x32 :
1tracker x64 :
1tracker build for linux :
Beepola tracker :
Bin Tracker :
'Lets Go' by Shiru has got to be the best 1-bit music tune released yet. A real VZ-300 playing 'Lets Go' Microbee emulator playing 'Lets Go' Microbee emulator playing 'Standing Wave' Microbee emulator playing 'Catching Up'