a simple round corner button component for Android
supports following attributes:
RoundCornerBorderButton_borderColor - the color of the border
RoundCornerBorderButton_borderColorFocused - the color of the border when focused
RoundCornerBorderButton_borderColorPressed - the color of the border when pressed
RoundCornerBorderButton_borderColorDisabled - the color of the border when disabled
textcolor - standard text color
RoundCornerBorderButton_textColorFocused - text color when focused
RoundCornerBorderButton_textColorPressed - text color when pressed
RoundCornerBorderButton_textColorDisabled - text color when disabled
RoundCornerBorderButton_borderWidth - border width
RoundCornerBorderButton_borderWidthFocused - border width when focused
RoundCornerBorderButton_borderWidthPressed - border width when pressed
RoundCornerBorderButton_borderRadius - border radius
RoundCornerBorderButton_borderRadiusLeftTop - left top border radius
RoundCornerBorderButton_borderRadiusRightTop - right top border radius
RoundCornerBorderButton_borderRadiusRightBottom - right bottom border radius
RoundCornerBorderButton_borderRadiusLeftBottom - left bottom border radius
RoundCornerBorderButton_borderType - enable/disable borders (btNone(0), btAll(1), btTopBottom(2), btLeftRight(3))