Social HRI Software Framework - Social Mind - is the modularized HRI software framework for developing the social robots. The framework is modularized by each function such as sensory perception, social perception, social mind, dialog, motion arbiter and motion renderer. Each module sends and receives the information (event, data) with each other using the ROS topic, service and actionlib.
$ cd ~/catkin_ws/src
$ git clone
$ rosdep install --from-paths social_mind --ignore-src -r -y
$ cd social_mind
$ find -name 'requirements.txt' | xargs -L 1 sudo pip install -U -r
/raising_events RaisingEvents.msg via events_multiplexer
Header header string recognized_word string[] events string[] data
Example: Speech Recognition
header: seq: 12 stamp: secs: 1505344152 nsecs: 513442993 frame_id: '' recognized_word: Hello events: ['speech_recognized'] data: ['{"confidence": 1.0, "recognized_word": "Hello"}']
Example: Button Input
header: seq: 52 stamp: secs: 1505344319 nsecs: 13427972 frame_id: '' recognized_word: '' events: ['button_pressed'] data: ['{"text": "yes"}']
/reply Reply.msg received from Scheduler Engine
Header header string reply
header: seq: stamp: secs: nsecs: frame_id: '' reply: "Hello. My name is Silbot"
Say with gesture by tag
header: seq: stamp: secs: nsecs: frame_id: '' reply: "<sm=tag:neutral> Hello. My name is Silbot"
Say with gesture by specific motion
header: seq: stamp: secs: nsecs: frame_id: '' reply: "<sm=play:sm/open/1> Hello. My name is Silbot"
Say with expession
header: seq: stamp: secs: nsecs: frame_id: '' reply: "<expression=happiness> Hello. My name is Silbot"
Tag and Gesture List for Robots typically can find in each robot's render_gesutre package: motions.yaml