Original: https://github.com/DreanorGTA5Mods/StationaryRadar
If you want to add more radars do so by adding them on client.lua inside the radares local.
´´´ local radares = { {x = 379.68807983398, y = -1048.3527832031, z = 29.250692367554}, {x = 379.68807983398, y = 1048.3527832031, z = 29.250692367554} } ´´´
You can edit fines on line 11 of server.lua, change 120000 to whatever you want.
´´´ local multa = 120000 ´´´
You can edit maxspeed in line 30 of client.lua
´´´ local maxspeed = 80 ´´´