#Braintree Testing
Right-click context menu to fill form elements with Braintree's testing credit cards numbers. Currently Chrome only. Basically it's a simplified version of Test Payments but focused on Braintree.
Original fork of test-payments.
Install the extension from the Chrome Web store. After installation, just right-click on any editable item on the page and you'll see the Braintree Testing submenu. Click an item there, and it will be inserted into the editable field.
- Fast access to Braintree test payment data: Successful and Unsuccessful credit cards numbers
- Works on input fields, text areas, content editable DIVs
- Works on multi-frame pages, but only if they are from the same domain
- Only works in Chrome
- Tiny overhead per page (<1k), no 3rd party library dependencies, completely passive, so it does not interfere with your web app execution in any way
##Questions, suggestions
Twitter: @diego_iglesias
##Resources for more info
Thanks to @gojkoadzic and @facundofarias for the baseline. Icons by Font Awesome: http://fortawesome.github.io/Font-Awesome/