#Description Wapistrano is a web user interface dedicated to configure, store and execute capistrano tasks. It's mainly built on Symfony 2 framework and uses the queue manager Gearman listened by python workers. Overview:
- Webui part (symfony2, web server etc.)
- Queue manager part (gearman)
- Workers part (python and capistrano)
These three parts can run on the same station or separately on their own environment.
Wapistrano is strongly based on Webistrano (which is unfortunately no longer maintained). The Wapistrano database structure has been deliberately designed in order to be very closed to Webistrano structure to make Webistrano to Wapistrano migration easier.
#Warning This is an Alpha version of this project. Many features and tests are missing. It works with capistrano v 2.15.5 max, not yet with 3.* versions.
#Easy install If you want a quick install to test wapistrano immediately, use our appliance. We built it under VirtualBox but you can use it with VmWare.
##Install appliance on Virtualbox
- Download the aplliance
- import it into VirtualBox, File->Import an appliance and choose the image you have juste downloaded
- run the virtual machine
- go to
- log as admin (admin/admin) or as a user (user/user)
#Production install ##On the webserver side (where the wapistrano webui will live)
- a webserver (Apache, Nginx),
- Mysql server,
- php5.4.1,
- php5-dev,
- php-pear,
- php-redis (git clone [email protected]:nicolasff/phpredis.git;cd phpredis; phpize;./configure;make && make install;echo "extension=redis.so" >> /etc/php5/conf.d/redis.ini),
- libgearman (apt-get install libgearman-dev),
- php-gearman 0.8.3 (pecl install channel://pecl.php.net/gearman-0.8.3; echo "extension=gearman.so" >> /etc/php5/conf.d/gearman.ini; service apache2 restart)
- Git
###Cloning and installation
git clone [email protected]:c2is/wapistrano.git
cd wapistrano
curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | php
composer.phar install
./app/console doctrine:schema:update --force
chmod -R 777 ./app/cache
chmod -R 777 ./app/logs
##On the gearman server side (where the gearman daemon will run) Just install gearman :-)
apt-get install gearman
##On the capistrano server side (where capistrano and python workers will live) Capistrano install:
apt-get install ruby
gem install capistrano -v 2.15.5
If you meet some problem on ssh auth with password, ensure that you have net-ssh <= 2.7.0 installed. If not:
gem uninstall net-ssh
gem install net-ssh -v 2.7.0
Wapistrano needs capistrano/ext/multistage installed:
gem install capistrano-ext
Python-setuptools install (to get easy_install):
apt-get install python-setuptools
Redis, Python-redis and Python-gearman packages installs:
apt-get install redis-server
easy_install redis
#command above will install this package https://github.com/Yelp/python-gearman
easy_install gearman
If your python install uses site plugin, you have to install redis and gearman plugin under the wapyd user account (see below what is wapyd), you can do that by a classic plugin's install with --user option
python setup.py install --user
Install wapyd:
Please, report to Wapy project
#Migration from webistrano to wapistrano Export your capistrano db like this:
mysqldump -u root -p webistrano_prod --no-create-info -c > /tmp/webistrano-data.sql
Perform fields names changes to map new database structure:
sed -i -e "s/\`recipe_id\`, \`stage_id\`/\`recipes_id\`, \`stages_id\`/g" /tmp/webistrano-data.sql
Import the resulting sql file:
mysql -h -u root wapistrano < /tmp/webistrano-data.sql
#Features informations
- Add/Edit recipe
- Add/Edit user
- Add/Edit host
- Create users
- Grant users/projects or projects/users
##Not yet implemented
- email notification on deploy
- disabled an host before deploying