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cactus-rt: a Linux real-time app framework

Relevant blog posts: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4

Developing real-time applications is already difficult due to the need to validate all parts of the system from hardware to the application. On a general-purpose operating system such as Linux, the complexity increases further due to most APIs being optimized for throughput as opposed to maximum latency.

cactus-rt is a C++ library that aims to make writing real-time Linux applications as easy as writing Arduino programs. Real-time application developers simply have to fill out a Loop function achieve 1000 Hz on Linux. The library should make most of the tedious decisions for you and provide sane defaults for everything.


Core library

The core of cactus-rt consists of code that wraps the underlying OS-level real-time APIs so your application do not have to call them manually. These components includes:

  • cactus_rt::App: memory locking, malloc tuning, service thread creation.
  • cactus_rt::Thread: pthreads API for real-time thread creation
  • cactus_rt::CyclicThread: real-time-safe clock to implement real-time timer
  • signal_handler: handle signals

These are the bare minimum needed to create a real-time application. The interface is simple enough that all the application developer needs to do is to fill out Loop methods on classes derived from CyclicThread.

Example (full example in examples/simple_example):

class ExampleRTThread : public cactus_rt::CyclicThread {
  ExampleRTThread() : CyclicThread("ExampleRTThread", MakeConfig()) {}

  LoopControl Loop(int64_t elapsed_ns) noexcept final {
    // Your code here...
    return LoopControl::Continue;

  // ... MakeConfig definition omitted

Asynchronous logging integration via Quill

Debugging logic bugs in real-time applications during development can be tedious as logging via STL logging facilities (std::cout, std::print) are not real-time-safe in general. To get around this problem, cactus-rt natively integrates with Quill, which is an asynchronous, lock-free, and allocation-free logging library that also allows for simple usability with template strings. cactus-rt sets up Quill to run in non-allocating mode which is safe for real-time usage.

Since printf debugging is a critical feature to debug during development (and beyond), having Quill integrated directly in cactus-rt makes debugging real-time applications as easy as normal applications.

Example (full example in examples/simple_example):

LoopControl Loop(int64_t elapsed_ns) noexcept final {
  LOG_INFO(Logger(), "Hello {} {}", "world", 123); // Hello world 123
  return LoopControl::Continue;

Runtime performance tracing and visualization

Debugging timing bugs in real-time applications is critical as missed deadlines can have catastrophic consequences. One of the design goal of this library is to make debugging timing problems as easy as printf debugging. To accomplish this, cactus-rt includes a real-time-safe tracing system (implemented in a lock-free and allocation-free manner) that can measure the timing of spans within the code.

This system is designed to be safe to run for real-time application in production, as many timing issues can only be debugged within production. For certain applications, the entire run session can theoretically be traced to enable detailed analysis in post.

Example (full example in examples/tracing_example):

void Plan noexcept {
  // span will use RAII to emit a start and end event to be used for visualization
  // For this span, it would be the duration of this function
  auto span = Tracer().WithSpan("Plan");
  // ... your code

The tracing system emits data in Perfetto-compatible format. Perfetto has likely the best tracing visualization and analysis system in the world. All you need to do is load up the generated trace file in a web UI (hosted on or; the analysis UI is entirely client side so no data is uploaded to any servers) the above code looks like the following in Perfetto:

You can also use SQL and Vega-Lite to further analyze your data. For more information, see the tracing document.

With this system in place, debugging timing issues for real-time applications becomes as simple as loading up a web UI.

Native ROS 2 support

Many real-time applications are written for robotics applications where interaction with ROS 2 is required. cactus-rt provides builtin support to publish and subscribe to ROS 2 topics from the real-time thread with a simple API. This API is designed to allow information to be passed to and from the real-time thread without impacting the real-time thread's maximum latency. An example use case maybe passing a goal pose to a real-time thread from ROS 2 and passing robot metrics collected by the real-time thread to ROS 2.

Example (full examples in examples/ros2):

LoopControl Loop(int64_t elapsed_ns) noexcept final {
  StampedValue<Velocity2D> msg = cmd_vel_sub_->ReadLatest();

  Velocity2D achieved_velocity = Drive(msg.value.vx, msg.value.vy, msg.value.w);

  return LoopControl::Continue;

This significantly simplifies real-time robotics application development with ROS 2.

Real-time-safe inter-thread communication

Passing messages between real-time and non-real-time threads is very common use case in real-time applications. Yet, it is quite difficult to do this in a real-time-safe manner. The simplest method, std::mutex is not even usable due to priority inversion. cactus-rt solves this with a few different (yet non-exhaustive) approaches:

  • The inclusion of cactus_rt::mutex which is a mutex that respects priority inheritance.
  • Lockless data structures that allows for a single value to be shared between a single non-real-time and a single real-time-thread under cactus_rt::experimental::lockless.

Further, cactus-rt extensively uses and therefore links to moodycamel::readerwriterqueue, which is a SPSC lockless, allocation-free queue. This can also solve a number of communication problems.

The integration of inter-thread communication APIs is designed to make life easier as then developers no longer have to manually implement or include libraries that do the same thing.

Others and future work

There are some other utilities in cactus-rt other than the above, and there are always more ideas to allow for simpler real-time application development.


Core examples that show you how to use all the facilities of cactus-rt:

  • simple_example: The most basic example showing a single real-time looping thread running at 1000 Hz.
  • tracing_example: This demonstrates how to use the real-time-safe tracing system built into cactus-rt. This is probably a good thing to undrestand immediately after the above example.
  • mutex_example: Demonstrates the usage of priority-inheritence mutex (cactus_rt::mutex) to pass data between real-time and non-real-time threads via the implementation of a mutex-based double buffer.
  • lockless_examples: Demonstrates the usage of lockless data structures built into cactus-rt to safely pass data to and from the real-time thread.
  • logging_example: Demonstrates setting up custom logging configuration via cactus_rt::App.
  • message_passing_example: A simplified example of a real robotics application consists of two threads: a real-time thread that is generating metrics and a non-real-time data logger that logs the metrics to disk.
  • ros2: Shows how to use cactus-rt with ROS2.

Some examples showing optional/advanced features/usage patterns of cactus-rt.

  • simple_deadline_example: Same as simple_example, except it uses SCHED_DEADLINE as opposed to SCHED_FIFO. This is for a more advanced use case.
  • random_example: Shows you how to use cactus-rt's real-time-safe random number generator.
  • tracing_example_no_rt: Shows how to using the tracing library in cactus_rt without using cactus_rt::App.

Installation instructions


cactus_rt the library is dependent on:

  • Linux
    • PREEMPT_RT patch preferred, but not required as mainline Linux has partial real-time support (with higher latency).
  • C++ compiler supporting C++ 17 and up.
  • CMake
  • Quill: this is included as a part of the CMake-based build process.
  • moodycamel::ReaderWriterQueue: this is included as a part of the CMake-based build process.
  • Protobuf: for runtime tracing
  • GTest (libgtest-dev), Google Benchmark (libbenchmark-dev): for testing and benchmarking

For Debian/Ubuntu:

$ sudo apt install build-essential cmake protobuf-compiler libprotobuf-dev libgtest-dev libbenchmark-dev

For building documentations, we need: doxygen.


To build in debug mode:

$ make debug

To run an example:

$ sudo build/debug/examples/simple_example/rt_simple_example

To turn OFF building the examples:


To turn on clang-tidy:


For compiling in release mode:

$ make release

All flags remain valid for both make debug and make release. Consult the Makefile for details on how it works as it is just a convenience wrapper on cmake. The example binaries will be located in the folder build/release instead of build/debug.

For testing like CI, you need docker installed and then you can use:

$ scripts/test-in-docker

Include from another project

To build into other projects, simply use FetchContent in your CMakeLists.txt file:

  GIT_TAG        ...

# ...

target_link_libraries(myapp PRIVATE cactus_rt)

See for an example.

Note that if you compile your app in debug mode, cactus-rt will be compiled in debug mode due to how FetchContent works. To get cactus-rt in release mode, compile your app in release mode.


Open source projects and some commercial projects can use MPL 2.0. Please note the license's section 6 and 7 where it is noted that the software is provided "as is" and is not liable for any damages (the license text supersedes this excerpt).

If you need commercial, closed-sourced modifications, please obtain a license from Cactus Dynamics.

This library embeds work from Perfetto, which is licensed under Apache License, version 2.


A C++ framework for programming real-time applications







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Contributors 3
