This is the first app I made with PyQt5.
Download src/ to your selected directory.
Open Terminal and navigate to said directory.
While in the selected directory
(the level containing the src/ directory, not in the src/ directory itself),
create a virtual environment to manage dependencies.
(you only need to create the virtual environment once.)
python3 -m venv <your_venv_name>
Now you will activate this vitrual environment.
(when you come back to run this app a second time, this is where you will begin.)
on Windows:
call <your_venv_name>/scripts/activate.bat
On Mac and Linux:
source <your_venv_name>/bin/activate
You can see that the virtual environment is active by the (<your_venv_name>) prefix in your shell.
Now install PyQt5
Note: I installed using the following line with pip-21.0.1 and Python 3.8.2. You may need to install a different version.
(when you come back to run this app a second time, you only need to use fbs run
pip3 install PyQt5==5.15.2
Finally, install fbs and run
pip install fbs
fbs run
Shoutout to Michael Herrmann for creating fbs !!!
When you are ready to leave your virtual environment use ctrl+d
or exit
SECRET SAUCE ALERT: Use deactivate
to continue using terminal without starting a new session.