This is the repository of the Effective Altruist Donation Swap project.
sudo pip3 install psycopg2-binary
sudo pip3 install geoip2
sudo pip3 install tornado
mkdir deployed
cd deployed
../src/ deployed
Put the right passwords and such into app-config.json
pico app-config.json
Start the server
sudo ./
Using automatic updates via sudo apt-get install unattended-upgrades
is also recommended.
Install PostgreSQL
sudo apt-get install postgresql
Change to listen to external connections
pico /etc/postgresql/9.6/main/postgresql.conf
listen_addresses = '*'
pico /etc/postgresql/9.6/main/pg_hba.conf
host all all md5
Start database server
sudo service postgresql status
Change password
sudo su - postgres
alter user postgres with password 'databasepassword';
Create a database
sudo su - postgres
createdb production
Connect to database via command-line ...
sudo su - postgres
psql production
... or use pgAdmin4 to administrate
mkdir pgadmin4-venv
cd pgadmin4-venv
python3 -m venv env
source env/bin/activate
pip3 install ./pgadmin4-3.4-py2.py3-none-any.whl
python3 /usr/local/lib/pyon3.6/site-packages/pgadmin4/
Now create tables etc.
When creating a database, please make sure to set the encoding to utf-8. That's what Python is using, and it's the encoding of the html templates.
We're using Tornado.
Run it like this:
cd web
sudo ./ -p 443 -d
If it's running as a daemon, kill it like this:
kill `cat /var/run/`
Get help like this:
cd web
./ -h
sudo apt-get install certbot
sudo certbot certonly --standalone --email [email_address] --agree-tos --domain
Note that the second command will use port 80 -- stop the webserver first
Back up the certificate
Add a cronjob
sudo crontab -e
with the following line
42 6 * * * certbot renew --standalone --preferred-challenges http-01 --http-01-port 5433 >> /srv/certlog.txt 2>&1
Here are all the cronjobs that are set up:
# minute hour dayOfMonth month dayOfWeek command
0 * * * * /srv/web/ /srv/backup/ marc dev
1 6 * * * certbot renew --webroot --webroot-path /srv/web/static/ >> /srv/certlog.txt 2>&1
27 * * * * curl --insecure --request POST https://localhost/housekeeping
5 19 * * wed /srv/web/
42 */6 * * * /srv/web/