This program calculates the Harris and SIFT Features of two different images and then applies Bag-of-Words methods on training images and calculates the histogram of visual words by using OpenCV API.
Cagatay Odabasi - [email protected]
Please put two different images for finding Harris/SIFT features and all 20 training images and 4 test images for BOW on same directory with exe. You need to name training images as "train_" + training_image_number(train_1, train_2...), also the test images like "test_1", "test_2" .. and the image format must be jpeg.
Run Command:
name_of_program.exe living_room.jpg living_room_2.jpg
then program will help user to navigate.
Before compiling, please add lib_color and lib_features libraries to project.
- Images from SUN database
- OpenCV for Image Processing and Vision Methods