Acoustic Sediment Estimation Toolbox (ASET): A software package for calibrating and processing TRDI ADCP data to compute suspended-sediment transport in sandy rivers
Dominguez Ruben L.G., Szupiany R.N., Latosinski F.G., López Weibel C., Wood, M., and Boldt, J.
ASET is a Matlab®-based toolbox developed to obtain, visualize, and validate calibrations between the echo intensity level from static TRDI ADCP measurements and suspended sediment concentration values measured simultaneously in different points of surveyed verticals with traditional techniques. In addition, once the calibration is obtained, ASET transforms the acoustic intensity signal into sediment concentration for each cell measured by the ADCP, obtaining the same spatial resolution as the velocity field in the cross-section or temporal series (for static measurements). Extrapolation methods are also included to estimate velocity and concentration values in areas not measured by the ADCP, (i.e., near bottom, surface, and banks), with visualization modules for the user to evaluate each method. Finally, an integration module makes possible to compute the total suspended sediment concentration in a cross-section.
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