XtraJson offers a flexible solution to transform objects into JSON-serializable representations and back. Unlike other solutions, such as superjson, XtraJson efficiently handles transformations without unnecessarily duplicating objects.
- Out-of-the-box support for
. - Ability to handle any other type using custom transformers.
- Faster and more efficient than superjson.
While libraries like SuperJSON create a copy of any object, even if it doesn't need to be transformed, XtraJson ensures optimized and efficient transformations.
import XtraJson from 'xtrajson';
const xjs = new XtraJson();
name: "my custom transformer",
key: "c", // key should be unique and as short as possible
isApplicable(value: unknown): value is MyClass {
// Define when this transformer should be used
serialize(value) {
// Convert your custom type to a JSON-serializable format
deserialize(value) {
// Convert the JSON-serializable format back to your custom type
const data = xjs.serialize(payload); // Convert to a JSON-serializable object
const json = xjs.stringify(payload); // Convert to a JSON string
// Alternate methods using built-in JSON methods
const jsonAlt = JSON.stringify(payload, xjs.replacer); // Using XtraJson as a replacer
const resultAlt = JSON.parse(payload, xjs.reviver); // Using XtraJson as a reviver
const result = xjs.deserialize(data); // Convert back from a JSON-serializable object
const resultStr = xjs.parse(json); // Convert back from a JSON string