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caiobegotti committed Oct 17, 2024
1 parent 16a7d67 commit cf1a735
Showing 1 changed file with 69 additions and 69 deletions.
138 changes: 69 additions & 69 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,31 +13,31 @@
import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import CubicSpline

# Constants
KP_THRESHOLD = 5 # Threshold for Kp index to highlight
CACHE_DIR = './cache' # Directory to store cached data
SUNSPOT_FILE = f'{CACHE_DIR}/SN_y_tot_V2.0.csv' # Path to the sunspot CSV file
# constants
KP_THRESHOLD = 5 # threshold for kp index to highlight
CACHE_DIR = './cache' # directory to store cached data
SUNSPOT_FILE = f'{CACHE_DIR}/SN_y_tot_V2.0.csv' # path to the sunspot csv file

# Ensure the cache directory exists
# ensure the cache directory exists
if not os.path.exists(CACHE_DIR):

# Function to handle logging, respects --quiet flag
# function to handle logging, respects --quiet flag
def log(message, quiet=False):
if not quiet:

# load kp index data from a local json file or fetch from api if not cached
def load_or_fetch_kp_index(year, quiet=False):
"""Load Kp index data from a local JSON file or fetch from API if not cached."""
cache_file = f'{CACHE_DIR}/kp_index_{year}.json'

# Check if the year is in the future
# check if the year is in the future
current_year =
if year > current_year:
log(f"Year {year} not supported by data or not current", quiet)

# Check if cache file exists
# check if cache file exists
if os.path.exists(cache_file):
log(f"Loading Kp index data for {year} from cache", quiet)
with open(cache_file, 'r') as f:
Expand All @@ -47,18 +47,18 @@ def load_or_fetch_kp_index(year, quiet=False):
return times, kp_index
# Fetch Kp index data from the API
# fetch kp index data from the api
log(f"Fetching Kp index data for {year} from the API", quiet)
start_date = f'{year}-01-01'
end_date = f'{year}-12-31'

# Get Kp index data using the external script
# get kp index data using the external script
times, kp_index, status = getKpindex(start_date, end_date, 'Kp', 'def')

# Convert time strings to datetime objects
# convert time strings to datetime objects
times = [datetime.strptime(t, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ') for t in times]

# Save the data to the cache file
# save the data to the cache file
with open(cache_file, 'w') as f:
json.dump({'times': [t.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ') for t in times], 'kp_index': kp_index}, f)

Expand All @@ -67,141 +67,141 @@ def load_or_fetch_kp_index(year, quiet=False):
log(f"Year {year} not supported by data or not current", quiet)

# load sunspot data for a range of years from the csv file
def load_sunspot_data(start_year, end_year, quiet=False):
"""Load sunspot data for a range of years from the CSV file."""
if not os.path.exists(SUNSPOT_FILE):
log(f"Sunspot data file not found: {SUNSPOT_FILE}", quiet)
return None

sunspot_data = {}
# Read the CSV file without skipping the header (since it's crude and headerless)
# read the csv file without skipping the header (since it's crude and headerless)
with open(SUNSPOT_FILE, 'r') as csvfile:
reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=';')

for row in reader:
row_year = float(row[0]) # Use float to capture the `.5`
int_year = int(row_year) # Convert to integer to ignore the `.5`
row_year = float(row[0]) # use float to capture the `.5`
int_year = int(row_year) # convert to integer to ignore the `.5`
if start_year <= int_year <= end_year:
sunspot_value = float(row[1]) # Second column is the sunspot value
sunspot_value = float(row[1]) # second column is the sunspot value
sunspot_data[int_year] = sunspot_value

return sunspot_data

# plot kp index for a specific year with local cache support and overlay sunspot data
def plot_kp_index_for_year(year, quiet=False, clean=False):
"""Plot Kp index for a specific year with local cache support and overlay sunspot data."""
# Load or fetch Kp index data
# load or fetch kp index data
times, kp_index = load_or_fetch_kp_index(year, quiet)

# Debugging: Print the retrieved data length
# debugging: print the retrieved data length
log(f"Retrieved {len(times)} entries for year {year}", quiet)

# Load sunspot data for the current year, the previous 5 years, and the next year
# load sunspot data for the current year, the previous 5 years, and the next year
start_year = year - 5
prev_year = year - 1 # Fetch the previous year's value
next_year = year + 1 # Fetch the next year's value
prev_year = year - 1 # fetch the previous year's value
next_year = year + 1 # fetch the next year's value
sunspot_data = load_sunspot_data(start_year, next_year, quiet)

# Handle missing sunspot data
# handle missing sunspot data
if not sunspot_data:
log("Sunspot data not available, skipping sunspot plot.", quiet)
sunspot_data = {} # Set to an empty dictionary to avoid future errors
sunspot_data = {} # set to an empty dictionary to avoid future errors

# Find the last available year for sunspot data
# find the last available year for sunspot data
last_available_year = max(sunspot_data.keys(), default=None)

if last_available_year and last_available_year < year:
log(f"Sunspot data only available up to {last_available_year}", quiet)
last_available_year = year # Use the current year if data exists for it
last_available_year = year # use the current year if data exists for it

# Get the sunspot values in the range [start_year, last_available_year]
sunspot_years = [yr for yr in range(start_year, last_available_year + 1) if yr in sunspot_data] # Only use years with data
sunspot_values = [sunspot_data.get(yr) for yr in sunspot_years] # Skip years without sunspot data
# get the sunspot values in the range [start_year, last_available_year]
sunspot_years = [yr for yr in range(start_year, last_available_year + 1) if yr in sunspot_data] # only use years with data
sunspot_values = [sunspot_data.get(yr) for yr in sunspot_years] # skip years without sunspot data

# Log sunspot data for the previous year (if available)
# log sunspot data for the previous year (if available)
if prev_year in sunspot_data:
log(f"Previous year sunspot: {sunspot_data[prev_year]}", quiet)

# Output sunspot value for logging (only if available for the current year)
# output sunspot value for logging (only if available for the current year)
if year in sunspot_data:
log(f"Sunspot value for {year}: {sunspot_data[year]}", quiet)

# Handle next year's sunspot value with fallback to the current year if missing
# handle next year's sunspot value with fallback to the current year if missing
if last_available_year == year:
next_year_sunspot = sunspot_data.get(next_year, sunspot_data.get(year, None))
if next_year_sunspot:
log(f"Next year sunspot: {next_year_sunspot}", quiet)

# Use cubic spline interpolation for a smooth transition between sunspot values (if data exists)
# use cubic spline interpolation for a smooth transition between sunspot values (if data exists)
if sunspot_years and sunspot_values:
cubic_spline = CubicSpline(np.linspace(0, len(times) - 1, len(sunspot_values)), sunspot_values)
sunspot_curve_y = cubic_spline(np.linspace(0, len(times) - 1, len(times)))
sunspot_curve_y = None # No sunspot data to plot
sunspot_curve_y = None # no sunspot data to plot

# Prepare a figure with increased size for better visibility
plt.figure(figsize=(20, 10)) # Larger figure size
# prepare a figure with increased size for better visibility
plt.figure(figsize=(20, 10)) # larger figure size

# Plot all Kp Index values (line) in light gray
plt.plot(times, kp_index, color='#dddddd', linewidth=0.5) # Base line in light gray
# plot all kp index values (line) in light gray
plt.plot(times, kp_index, color='#dddddd', linewidth=0.5) # base line in light gray

# Highlight values above threshold in blue and mark them with red dashes
# highlight values above threshold in blue and mark them with red dashes
for i in range(len(kp_index)):
if kp_index[i] > KP_THRESHOLD:
plt.axvline(x=times[i], color='b', linewidth=3, zorder=3) # Draw vertical line for values > threshold
# Add horizontal markers for the Kp index level
plt.scatter([times[i]], [kp_index[i]], color='r', marker='o', zorder=5) # Red markers
plt.axvline(x=times[i], color='b', linewidth=3, zorder=3) # draw vertical line for values > threshold
# add horizontal markers for the kp index level
plt.scatter([times[i]], [kp_index[i]], color='r', marker='o', zorder=5) # red markers

# Keep the y-axis fixed at 0-9 as requested
# keep the y-axis fixed at 0-9 as requested
plt.ylim(0, 9)

# Overlay the green line smoothly transitioning from 5 years ago to the input year (if sunspot data exists)
# overlay the green line smoothly transitioning from 5 years ago to the input year (if sunspot data exists)
if sunspot_curve_y is not None:
scaled_curve_y = 9 * (sunspot_curve_y - min(sunspot_curve_y)) / (max(sunspot_curve_y) - min(sunspot_curve_y))
plt.plot(times, scaled_curve_y, color='g', linewidth=2, linestyle='-', zorder=2, label=f"Sunspot activity trend between {start_year} and {last_available_year}")

# Create custom legend handles for Kp index, sunspot, and events
# create custom legend handles for kp index, sunspot, and events
base_line_handle = plt.Line2D([], [], color='#dddddd', linewidth=2, label="Magnetosphere disturbance")
line_handle = plt.Line2D([0], [0], color='b', linewidth=2, label=f'Good visibility days in {year}')
sunspot_handle = plt.Line2D([0], [0], color='g', linewidth=2, label=f'Sunspot activity trend between {start_year} and {last_available_year}' if sunspot_curve_y is not None else '')
event_handle = plt.Line2D([0], [0], color='r', marker='o', linestyle='None', markersize=5, label='Aurora events')

plt.title(f'Aurora borealis visibility throughout {year}') # Dynamic year in title
plt.ylabel(r'$\it{K}_p$ index') # K italic, p subscript, index lowercase
plt.grid(axis='y') # Enable only horizontal grid lines
plt.title(f'Aurora borealis visibility throughout {year}') # dynamic year in title
plt.ylabel(r'$\it{K}_p$ index') # k italic, p subscript, index lowercase
plt.grid(axis='y') # enable only horizontal grid lines

# Format the x-axis to show only the month and day, hide the year
date_format = mdates.DateFormatter('%b %d') # e.g., 'Jan 01'
# format the x-axis to show only the month and day, hide the year
date_format = mdates.DateFormatter('%b %d') # e.g., 'jan 01'

# Set x-ticks for every day in the year with padding
plt.xticks(times, rotation=90, fontsize=4) # Keep all dates but rotate for visibility
plt.gca().xaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MaxNLocator(nbins=365, integer=True)) # Allow for all ticks with spacing
# set x-ticks for every day in the year with padding
plt.xticks(times, rotation=90, fontsize=4) # keep all dates but rotate for visibility
plt.gca().xaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MaxNLocator(nbins=365, integer=True)) # allow for all ticks with spacing

# Adjust x-axis limits to add space around the plot
plt.xlim([times[0] - timedelta(days=1), times[-1] + timedelta(days=1)]) # Adding padding on the x-axis
# adjust x-axis limits to add space around the plot
plt.xlim([times[0] - timedelta(days=1), times[-1] + timedelta(days=1)]) # adding padding on the x-axis

# Hide the x-axis label
# hide the x-axis label

# If --clean option is set, skip adding the legend
# if --clean option is set, skip adding the legend
if not clean:
# Add a custom legend with a white background, including the green line for sunspot activity
legend_handles = [sunspot_handle, base_line_handle, line_handle, event_handle] # Adjust order of handles
# add a custom legend with a white background, including the green line for sunspot activity
legend_handles = [sunspot_handle, base_line_handle, line_handle, event_handle] # adjust order of handles
legend = plt.legend(handles=legend_handles, loc='upper left', facecolor='#ffffff', framealpha=0.75)
legend.get_frame().set_edgecolor('#000000') # Add a border to the legend box
legend.get_frame().set_edgecolor('#000000') # add a border to the legend box

# Save the plot as a PNG file without showing it
# save the plot as a png file without showing it
file_name = f'kp_index_{year}.png'
plt.savefig(file_name, format='png', dpi=300, bbox_inches='tight')

# Close the plot to avoid display
# close the plot to avoid display

log(f"Plot saved as {file_name}", quiet)

# print the help message for script usage
def print_help():
"""Print the help message for script usage."""
help_message = """
Usage: python <YEAR> [--quiet] [--clean] [--help]
Expand All @@ -214,20 +214,20 @@ def print_help():

if __name__ == '__main__':
# Check for the --quiet, --clean, and --help flags
# check for the --quiet, --clean, and --help flags
quiet = '--quiet' in sys.argv
clean = '--clean' in sys.argv
show_help = '--help' in sys.argv

# Remove --quiet, --clean, and --help from arguments
# remove --quiet, --clean, and --help from arguments
args = [arg for arg in sys.argv if arg not in ['--quiet', '--clean', '--help']]

# Show help message if --help is provided or no arguments are given
# show help message if --help is provided or no arguments are given
if show_help or len(args) == 1:

# Check if the user provided a year argument
# check if the user provided a year argument
if len(args) != 2:
print("Usage: python <YEAR> [--quiet] [--clean] [--help]")
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