Linux Caixa Mágica (sometimes abbreviated as Caixa Mágica, Linux CM or LCM) is thus an open source operating system, developed and managed by Caixa Mágica Software.
Proving that the reasons that led to the creation of Linux Caixa Mágica, twenty years ago, remain valid today, Caixa Mágica Software launched in 2020 a Lite version of its popular distribution, which accompanies the launch of the current reference distributions.
The challenges resulting from the pandemic caused by the COVID-19 virus, particularly in terms of the need for work and remote study, exposed the limitations of large segments of society, in Portugal and in the world, in accessing hardware platforms that enable the realization of a minimum of activities from home.
Lite Linux Caixa Mágica (LLCM 20.04) is a lightweight flavor of Linux Caixa Mágica using Lubuntu 20.04 and LXQt as its base.
The Lite Linux Caixa Mágica is compatible with several PC hardware platforms, even working with equipment launched more than eight years ago with lower resources but also runs great on newer hardware.
LLCM also include Open Source applications that cover all the main common applications used by a PC and a lot of applicatins needed for work and remote study.