Affordable and easy-to-use, security for all your sats, BIP-85, Multisig, Own Node, Whirlpool, and Hardware Wallet support. Built with React Native

Before getting started, make sure you have proper React Native development environment on your machine
Clone this repository to your local machine:
git clone
Navigate to the project directory:
cd bitcoin-keeper
Install the project dependencies using Yarn: The prepare scripts will automaticall install pods and nodify crypto related packages for react-netive
yarn install
To use the Whirlpool, you'll need to have the following platform-specific binaries and place them in the specified directories:
- Extract jniLibs to the following directory if not present already:
- Copy the libwhirlpool.a to the following directory:
The project has testnet and mainnet varients. The development varient is configured to use testnet and production varient to use mainnet.
Start metro metro
yarn start
To run the development app on a connected device or emulator:
yarn androidDevelopmentDebug
yarn ios --scheme=hexa_keeper_dev
To run the production app on a connected device or emulator:
yarn androidProductionDebug
yarn ios --scheme=hexa_keeper
These commands will build and launch the app on the respective platforms.
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This project uses Jest as the testing framework. To run the tests, use the following command:
yarn test
This project is licensed under the MIT License.