yarn install
npx hardhat test
Setup: Put a MNEMONIC="your seed phrase..." in a .env file in the root project folder with your tesntet funded wallet
npx hardhat --network fuji deploy --tags IMExample
npx hardhat --network intain-testnet deploy --tags IMExample
npx hardhat deployWireCheck --e testnet --contract IMExample
npx hardhat --network intain-testnet approve
npx hardhat --network fuji sendMessage --target-network intain-testnet --tx 0xf1ad2b505758e59119078a59aa9a18615f5238df02497f23d79738c5ca5ec7b4 --investor 0xc13b65f7c53Cd6db2EA205a4b574b4a0858720A6 --issuer 0xc13b65f7c53Cd6db2EA205a4b574b4a0858720A6 --token 0x5D0C407747A4f1072723f5b7E27296C7436853B2 --amount 1000000000000000000