- 👋 Hi, I’m @calebthewood
- 👀 Check out my personal site
- 🥞 Currently building dashboards 'n things in React, NextJS, and D3
- 📫 How to reach me... [email protected]
- Building out NextJS apps and dashboards (ongoing)
- Dabbling in Go and R R](https://www.r-project.org/)(ongoing)
- Migrated a 4-server RHEL subnet with 6 apps, and 2 DBs to new machines for UHERO (02/24)
- Completed Newline's D3 course w/ Amelia Wattenberger (02/24)
- Arduino Pong in C++ (08/23)
- Convert Jobly to TypeScript (4/23)
- Migrated Jobly and Warbler Postgres DBs from Heroku to AWS RDS (12/22)