A Square integrated web-app for cafe owners to predict and view sales based on weather, hour, and day.
Baristat offers a user-friendly visualization of past sales data and predicted data. We offer sales projections rooted in multiple linear regression that take into account past sales, weather patterns, seasonal patterns, and holidays.
Cafe merchants securely log in to Baristat through Square's OAUTH. Baristat is then granted an access token, which is then used to pull the cafe's past sales data from Square's api. Considering the past sales data, weather, hour, day, and season, Baristat runs a multiple linear regression, projects sales data by each item, and presents the data in a GUI.
*The weather api we were using expired, so this application is currently not runnable. Snapshots of Baristat to be uploaded.
Contributers: Adrian Turcu, Justine Breuch, Tristin Falk-LeFay, and Caleb Kim