Contains imageLoader and uAIMDataLoader for loading images and markups into caMicroscope.
docker build -t camicroscope_loader .
mkdir img
export CAMIC_IMAGES_DIR=$(echo $(pwd)/img)
export CAMIC_KUE_PORT=6000
export dataloader_host= #IP address of data container
export annotations_host= #IP address of data container
export mongo_host= #IP address of data container
export mongo_port=27017
docker run -itd -p $CAMIC_KUE_PORT:3000 -p $CAMIC_MARKUPLOADER_PORT:3001 -p $CAMIC_DATALOADER_PORT:3002 -v $CAMIC_IMAGES_DIR:/data/images -e "dataloader_host=$(echo $dataloader_host)" -e "annotations_host=$(echo $annotations_host)" -e "mongo_host=$(echo $mongo_host)" -e "mongo_port=$(echo $mongo_port)" camicroscope_loader
Following examples assume <API_PORT>==32799
curl -v -F id=TCGA-02-0001 -F upload=@TCGA-02-0001-01Z-00-DX1.83fce43e-42ac-4dcd-b156-2908e75f2e47.svs http://localhost:32799/submitData
Return type: json
On success returns: {"status":"success"}
curl localhost:32799/subjectIdExists?SubjectUID=TCGA-02-0001
Returns an array with subjectID and file path.
Empty array if subject Id doesnt exist
curl localhost:32799/getMD5ForImage?imageFileName=TCGA-02-0001-01Z-00-DX1.83fce43e-42ac-4dcd-b156-2908e75f2e47.svs
Returns an array with MD5 of the image