- Install latest ansible version (I tested this with 2.9)
- http://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/intro_installation.html
- Install all ansible requirements
- Python 2.7.9 or higher (I tested with 2.7.12)
- Install PIP
- curl https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py | python
- Install pyvmom (I tested pyvmomi
- pip install pyvmomi
- Install python-netaddr
- pip install netaddr
- If using password to authenticate ssh session, you need to install sshpass Installation guide
- Disable host key checking: edit the file
and set thehost_key_checking = False
Ubuntu 18
If you want you can grab an Ubuntu VM at this link: Ubuntu18
- This VM is configured with:
- 2 CPU, 16GB HD, 2GB RAM and 2 NIC
- username/pass: cisco/123Cisco123
- The VM IS NOT a Template. It is a normal VM with a Snapshot called "Base".
- By default the scripts deployes Linked Clones, if you are ok with this no action is needed.
- This VM is configured with:
New Virtual Machine requirements:
- One NICs
- Install SSH and Python
- PowerOff the VM, Createa a Snapshot.
- If you call the Snapsop anything else than "Base" edit
e variale ininventory/group_vars/all.yml
- If you call the Snapsop anything else than "Base" edit
All the VM parametes, hostname, IP etc... are taken from the inventory file and the
- 1.17 (older should work as well)
Your fabric needs to have basic connectivity pre-configured for your hosts. This scripts assumes you are deploying VMs as such I expect to have ACI configured with VMM integration to your vCenter.
For the tenant configuration you have two options:
- Configure your kubernetes VRF and L3OUT in the common tenant and have a separate tenant for the Kubernetes cluster (Preferred Option)
- Configure everything in a dedicated Kubernetes tenant
I would recommend to use the first option as, un-provisioning a cluster, deletes the Kubernetes Tenant and if you are redeploying it multiple time you will need to re-configure every time the VRF and L3OUT. The demo configuration that is in this repository is assuming you have deployed the VRF and the L3OUT in common.
- The hosts are configured with 2 interfaces:
- ACI facing interface (ens192): This is the interface toward the ACI fabric and is the default GW of the nodes. You MUST have internet connectivity trough this interfaces.
- Management interface (ens160): I expect the ansible host to be in the same subent, no you can't use this as your default GW
From Cisco.com download dist-debs-<version>.tar.gz
, unzip it and place the .deb file under roles/aci-host/files/
Thi scrips is pre-configured to use acc -provision_1.9.0-23_amd64.deb
, if you use a diffenret file you need edit the inventory/group_vars/all.yml
Customize inventory/group_vars/all.yml
as per your requirements.
The included file has the configuration of my lab and every option should be self explanatory or has a comment.
Configure your inventory file as per your requirements
ansible-playbook -i inventory/inventory -b lab_setup.yml
vmware_guest_network fails to select my existing DVS PortGroup and instead creates a new standard port group. Might be related to This Issue For now ansible will pause and wait for the user to fix the port group manually and then press return