This project focuses on providing a bridge between Zeebe + BPMN to Knative and CloudEvents to provide CloudEvents orchestration using Zeebe Workflows.
- WAIT_TYPE: Cloud Event Type to wait
The worker has two modes:
- EMIT ONLY: It will emit a CloudEvent and complete the Job
- WAIT FOR CLOUD EVENT: It will wait to receive CloudEvent with a specific Type which will be correlated by the workflow and job key to complete the Service Task.
The worker exposes HTTP Endpoints to receive CloudEvents that can be propagated to workflows.
- / POST - > Receive CloudEvent via HTTP that will map to a Job
- /message POST -> Receive a CloudEvent that will be forwarded as a BPMN Message for an Intermediate Catch Event
You can always access the Open API UI here: http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html
zbctl deploy emit-wait.bpmn --insecure
zbctl create instance EMIT_WAIT --insecure
curl -X POST localhost:8080/ -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Ce-Id: 536808d3" -H "Ce-Type: <WAIT_TYPE>" -H "Ce-Source: curl" -H "Ce-Subject: <WORKFLOW_KEY>:<PROCESS_INSTANCE_KEY>:<JOB_KEY>" -d '{"name":"salaboy"}' -v
zbctl deploy emit-and-continue.bpmn --insecure zbctl create instance EMIT_AND_CONTINUE --variables "{"myVarId" : "123"}" --insecure curl -X POST localhost:8080/message -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Ce-Id: 536808d3" -H "Ce-Type: CloudEvent Response" -H "Ce-Source: curl" -H "CorrelationKey: 123" -d '{"name":"salaboy"}' -v
Deploy workflow
zbctl deploy tickets.bpmn --insecure
Register Tickets.Purchase event to Start Workflow
curl -X POST http://localhost:8080/workflows -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"cloudEventType" : "Tickets.Purchase", "processDefinitionKey" : "2251799813690282"}'
Send Tickets.Purchase to start a workflow
curl -X POST http://localhost:8080/workflow -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Ce-Id: 536808d33" -H "Ce-Type: Tickets.Purchase" -H "Ce-Source: curl" -d '{"sessionId":"5" }'
This project can be used with External Secrets
to fetch credentials from external services from cloud provider specific Secret Managers.
In order to install External Secrets
you can follow the project setup instructions: