A sample dashboard which uses Hazelcast Jet to ingest trades from Apache Kafka into a distributed map. It also performs an aggregation on the trades, storing the results into a separate map.
These two maps are utilized by a live dashboard which offers drill down functionality into viewing individual trades that make up the aggregation.
- Build the project
mvn package
- Create a topic on the Kafka cluster:
kafka-topics --create --replication-factor 1 --partitions 4 --topic trades --zookeeper localhost:2181
- Start the Kafka producer
java -jar trade-producer/target/trade-producer-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar <bootstrap servers> <trades per sec>
- Start the Jet cluster. To configure cluster members you can edit
in thejet-server/src/main/resources
java -jar jet-server/target/jet-server-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
- Run the queries
The cluster connection can be configured inside the hazelcast-client.yaml
- Load static data into map: (Stock names)
java -jar trade-queries/target/trade-queries-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar load-symbols
- Ingest trades from Kafka
java -jar trade-queries/target/trade-queries-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar ingest-trades <bootstrap servers>
- Aggregate trades by symbol
java -jar trade-queries/target/trade-queries-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar aggregate-query <bootstrap servers>
- Start the front end
The cluster connection can be configured inside the hazelcast-client.yaml
java -jar webapp/target/webapp-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
Browse to localhost:9000 to see the dashboard.