In this repository, I want to show some of the projects I've been working on in the last months.
Actually, some of the projects are finished and other ones were frozen. The idea was to keep working on the projects, and, if I could find a better way to finish the project, just close the project and start it again.
In every project can be found a brief explanation. How it works and if some decision was taken in order to change the behaviour, improve the performance or implement a new knowledge.
The projects that can be found are:
- Pong Pong game
- Pacman - Collision (Frozen) Pacman game, not finished, calculations were done by collision
- Snake Snake game
JavaScript (React/Redux/Material UI)
- ShoppingCart - Missing some features A simple shopping cart
- Blitz - Missing some features A small Twitter.
- Bank Small application for simple actions in a bank
Think code Multiple code wars challenges solved in different languages (PHP, Java, Javascript)