ESP32 based accessory board for the balance app in BV's BLDC firmware.
Based off Mitch Lustig's balance buddy for arduino nano
- Directional LEDs for headlight/taillight with dimming.
- Buzzer for over speed, low voltage, and high speed half switch warnings.
- A teeny tiny small display thats so small you cant even see it with data you probbaly wont be able to read (it's smol).
- It uses CAN bus, so there are NO DOWNSIDES to adding it. JUST DO IT!
- ESP32
- CAN transceiver (like the TJA1051)
- 5v piezo (active or passive) buzzer
- 2x LED Strips (WS2812 GRB is the default, but anything supported by FastLED should work)
- SSD1306 128x64 Display (SPI, any color, the blue/yellow works nice too)
See config.h for pins
- CAN_RX to CRX on the transceiver
- CAN_TX to CTX on the transceiver
- Transceiver VCC and GND to 5v and ground
- Transceiver CANL and CANH to VESC CAN
if you use a fancy buzzer/speaker make sure it wont blow the nano
See config.h for pins
- BEEPER_PIN to + on beeper
- Ground to - on beeper
if you wire lots of LEDs make sure it wont blow the nano
See config.h for pins
See config.h for pins. SPI preffered, I2C kinda supported (but sloowwwww)
Not a fancy image, but it's accurate:
All features are specified in config.h
Just open the project with platformio and click upload
Set your wifi ssid, password, and device hostname in config.h
Uncomment these 2 lines in platformio.ini
upload_protocol = espota
upload_port = (hostname).local
with (hostname) defined in config.h
If hostname doesn't work, set upload_port
to the ip address of the esp32.
If it can't upload, try power/cycling the device so it reconnects to wifi.
Applicable to I2C:
If youre using a display, it is likely related to bus capacitence and wire.h hangs
In my case using minimal length wires, and a 2.2k pull up from scl to 3.3v solved my issues.
Using SPI is preferred and fixes this.