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Shapes Project

This project uses hexagonal architecture to structure its code, This project is created using vite. Here's how to use the available scripts to get started:


To install dependencies, run:

yarn install

Starting the React App

This command will start the React app in development mode.

yarn run dev

Build App

Builds the app for production to the dist folder.

yarn run build

Preview build

Previews your production build locally.

yarn run preview


Lints the project using eslint.

yarn run lint

Format code

Formats your code.

yarn run prettier

Unit test

Launches the test runner in the interactive watch mode using vitest.

yarn run test

Test coverage

Reports test coverage.

yarn run coverage

Building and Running Docker Images

This command will run a Docker container using the compose.yaml file. It also uses an environment variables file located in the root directory called .env.example which can be used to create an .env file..

yarn run docker:run

This command will use Docker Compose to start all containers defined in the compose.yaml file in the background (detached mode). It runs the docker:run script followed by the command up -d.

yarn run docker:up

This command will build a Docker image using the Dockerfile file. Similar to docker:run, it also uses the .env environment variables file.

yarn run docker:build

This command will launch an interactive terminal session within a running container. It runs the docker:run exec -ti -- command.

yarn run docker:command


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