Python specific core utilities for running models in the BioImage Model Zoo.
The bioimageio.core
package can be installed from conda-forge via
conda install -c conda-forge bioimageio.core
if you don't install any additional deep learning libraries, you will only be able to use general convenience functionality, but not any functionality for model prediction. To install additional deep learning libraries use:
# cpu installation (if you don't have an nvidia graphics card) conda install -c pytorch -c conda-forge bioimageio.core pytorch torchvision cpuonly # gpu installation conda install -c pytorch -c conda-forge bioimageio.core pytorch torchvision cudatoolkit
# currently only cpu version supported conda install -c conda-forge bioimageio.core tensorflow
# currently only cpu version supported conda install -c conda-forge bioimageio.core onnxruntime
The package is also available via pip:
pip install bioimageio.core
To set up a development conda environment run the following commands:
conda env create -f dev/environment-base.yaml
conda activate bio-core-dev
pip install -e . --no-deps
There are different environment files that only install tensorflow or pytorch as dependencies available.
installs a command line interface for testing models and other functionality. You can list all the available commands via:
Check that a model adheres to the model spec:
bioimageio validate <MODEL>
Test a model (including prediction for the test input):
bioimageio test-model <MODEL>
Run prediction for an image stored on disc:
bioimageio predict-image -m <MODEL> -i <INPUT> -o <OUTPUT>
Run prediction for multiple images stored on disc:
bioimagei predict-images -m <MODEL> -i <INPUT_PATTERN> - o <OUTPUT_FOLDER>
is a glob
pattern to select the desired images, e.g. /path/to/my/images/*.tif
can be used as a python library. See the notebook example/bioimageio-core-usage.ipynb for usage examples.
The model specification and its validation tools can be found at