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@sacherjj sacherjj released this 21 Nov 00:58



  • New environment variable CL_EVENT_QUEUE_DUMP_THRESHOLD to enable dumping of queue event counts to log when a certain threshold is exceeded.
  • Add initial support for private chains.
  • Add support for CA signed client certificates for private chains.
  • Add a Highway Analysis tool for checking the state of the consensus.


  • Minimum block time reduced from 32.768s to 16.384s, with corresponding changes to related chainspec settings:
    • core.minimum_block_time reduced to 16384 ms.
    • core.round_seigniorage_rate reduced to [7, 175070816].
    • highway.block_gas_limit reduced to 4_000_000_000_000.
  • The state_identifier parameter of the query_global_state JSON-RPC method is now optional. If no state_identifier is specified, the highest complete block known to the node will be used to fulfill the request.
  • state_get_account_info RPC handler can now handle an AccountIdentifier as a parameter.
  • Replace the sync_to_genesis node config field with sync_handling.
    • The new sync_handling field accepts three values:
      • genesis - node will attempt to acquire all block data back to genesis
      • ttl - node will attempt to acquire all block data to comply with time to live enforcement
      • nosync - node will only acquire blocks moving forward
  • Make the network.estimator_weights section of the node config more fine-grained to provide more precise throttling of non-validator traffic.


  • The section consensus.highway.round_success_meter has been removed from the config file as no longer relevant with the introduction of a new method of determining the round exponent in Highway.


  • Now possible to build outside a git repository context (e.g. from a source tarball). In such cases, the node's build version (as reported vie status endpoints) will not contain a trailing git short hash.
  • Remove an error that would unnecessarily be raised when a node includes its highest orphaned block within the current era.
  • Short-circuit initialization of block and deploy metadata DB to resolve delays after an upgrade.
