We worked with USA Climbing to develop a tool to help their staff and coaches communicate more efficiently and effectively throughout the certification process for competition season. The current system for the administration at USAC involved bringing together information from multiple sources into an excel spreadsheet and putting it together by hand. We our app a coach and the staff can go to one place to submit and verify information.
To build this full stack application we used HTML5, CSS, Bootstrap, Javascript, jQuery, Express, PostgresSQL, Node, Cloudinary, Photoshop, Apple Music, Beer. Special thanks to Margo Hayes.
Our group used Agile methodologies with the help of Trello, and GitHub version control with feature branch method with one master file.
- be able to register to the site
- submit information
- upload required fields
- check certification status, view profile
- be able to edit your own information
- sub nav to view a list of:
- view all certified coaches
- view all pending coaches (certs or membership missing)
- being able to review/change/certify
- list view of all coaches with edit button that takes you to screen view of one coach
- add new administrators, and edit or delete current admins