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2 Statistical tests

johaGL edited this page Apr 3, 2024 · 5 revisions

Univariate analyses

Type of analysis Test abbreviation Full Name Null hypothesis Principle Usage recommendation
Pairwise or Time-course ranksum Rank sum test (Wilcoxon’s) Two populations have the same distribution Based on the sum of the positions in which the values of the two conditions fall. Unpaired samples. Equal or unequal sized samples. Any number of variables.
Wcox Wilcoxon’s signed rank Differences across two matched populations are close to 0 Based on the signs of the matched differences Paired or related -non independent- samples (check your experimental design). Any number of variables.
MW Mann Whitney Two populations have the same distribution Based on the order in which the values from the two conditions fall Independent samples; a.k.a “the non-parametric version of the t-test”. Assumes equal variances. Any number of variables.
KW Kruskal-Wallis Two populations share the same medians Based on the difference in the group-wise order totals Unpaired, independent samples. Works better with n 5 Any number of variables.
BrMu Brunner-Munzel Two populations share the same range of values Difference in the averaged orders of the values, normalized by the variances. Unpaired, independent samples, being n 10. Highly similar to the Mann-Whitney test, but does not require equal variances. Any number of variables.
disfit Fitting of a distribution to the z-scores Data follows the specified distribution Identify outliers using the best fit for the ratios of geometric means of values in 2 conditions Unpaired and paired samples. Number of variables: use it if there are thousands or hundreds of isotopologues. Do not use it for fractional contributions or total metabolite abundances if you have few (<100) metabolites.
prm-scipy Permutations method via scipy Two populations are drawn from the same underlying distribution Differences between means of subsampled values from 2 conditions Unpaired and paired samples. Any number of variables.
Multi-group KW Kruskal-Wallis Three or more populations share the same medians Based on the difference in the group-wise order totals Independent samples; a.k.a “the non-parametric alternative to the ANOVA test”. Works better with n 5 . Any number of variables.

Bi-variate analyses

Type of analysis Full Name Null hypothesis Principle
MDV profile comparison between 2 conditions Pearson or Spearman test The MDV values of the two conditions are not correlated Correlation of the MDV geometric means of the two conditions
MDV profile comparison between 2 consecutive time-points Pearson or Spearman test The MDV values of the two consecutive time-points are not correlated Correlation of the MDV geometric means of two consecutive time-points
Metabolite total abundances and fractional contribution time-course profile comparison between 2 conditions Pearson or Spearman test The time-course values of metabolite total abundance or fractional contribution of the two conditions are not correlated Correlation of the geometric means (computed across the time-course set of values) of the two conditions

Note: the Spearman test (spearman) is the option set by default in the DIMet's bi-variate analysis.

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