ORT will help mountain bikers and hikers navigate when traversing of the beaten track. With the help of Google Maps and a few extra features of the app, anyone who likes to adventure in the great outdoors should be able to navigate more efficiently. On play store as closed alpha https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=cbpos1989.com.offroadtracker.
####User GPS Location -User can save route after hike/ride. -Allow user to export gpx file after ride. -Displays current user's position. -Draw polylines between current position and previous position. -Zooms to user's current position. -User can pause route and end route. ####Live route tracking with lines marking the route the user has taken. -User can switch back and forth between Main Menu and Map with the route persisting. -Save current route to internal GPX file. ####Live Compass -Main menu will feature a live updating compass. -Orientation style compass for increased navigation. (Done but could user better image) ####Main Menu -Live Compass. -Button to open map. -Coordinates field for the user to define a starting location. (Needs Better Error Handling) ####Custom user markers -User can place route markers on map to leave advice/guidance for others. -Persistence on the map using Firebase to store markers to database. -Various different types of images for different types of markers (Views, hazards, shortcut, etc.) ####Load Previous Route -Can load previous gpx file and automatically start plotting lines to mimic real life tracking of a route. -Three different speeds to playback.
####Live route tracking with lines marking the route the user has taken. -Routes will remain on the map for other user to view later. -Differentiation between hikes and bike rides (Simple Color Change) ####Custom user markers -Only draw markers that are near the user’s location. ####Live Compass -Compass will feature on main map screen and will be clickable to bring up a larger version. ####Download Map -Allow user to enter coordinates and zoom level to download map tile. -User can download as many tiles as needed. (not sure if compliant with T&C of Google API) ####User Details -Allow user to setup up user profile -Profile Image -Name -Biker/Hiker -Username appears on custom markers ####Load Previous Route -Give option for the user to fast forward to a particular point on a route. Using a slider.