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C Brightly edited this page Oct 27, 2016 · 6 revisions

Backup Script for BASH:

BackupScript is a useful BASH script for backing up a users home directory (if the user is not 'root') or for backing up entire system (if run as 'root' / with root permissions). It also backs up /var/www into a separate archive by default.


For now, using the script is a rather straightforward affair:

While under heavy development, you can run some simple commands to make the script run a bit more smoothly, just copy and paste as little as one line and you should be OK!

chmod a+x

This allows you to run the script with the following command instead of the above command, which requires a call to BASH


...and then you are good to go!

Human Readable Changelog:

  • Removed HTML formatting from README file
  • Added a correctly formatted
  • Initial commit of work on gh-pages branch


    As of now the script does not accept any arguments, however you can modify the .sh file itself for customization of variables;
    I plan to add code allowing for runtime arguments to be used to set the backup source, destination, backup retention (and duration of retention) among other things...
    Also feel free to submit requests for features or bug fixes at my github page for this project.


    • Add ability to pass switch setting source directory
    • Add ability to pass switch setting destination directory
    • Add switch for file and folder backup exclusions
    • Add optional switch to include or exclude WWW_ROOT (included by default)
    • Optional switch to set source directory for WWW_ROOT
    • Add optional switch to set compression variable & arg: tgz, bz2, ???
    • Optional switch to make backup destination external dev, mounted remote FS or SCP host
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